Home » Health » When ink becomes therapy: with her tattoos, she “heals” breast cancer survivors

When ink becomes therapy: with her tattoos, she “heals” breast cancer survivors

Lili Munster Credit: Carlos Vargas

The province of Saint John is known for being a pioneer in several things. Among them, it was the first where women were allowed to vote before the national level. And speaking of pioneersthe Sanjuanina Lili Munster It is the first female tattoo artist in the provinceBut that’s not all. She is the creator of the traditional therapeutic tattoo method, which she has been using for several years to help people who have survived breast cancer. For freewith his art and a lot of love, helps these people overcome cancer and leave a beautiful footprint where before there was only pain.

Lili teene 45 years and tattoos from the year 1997. The idea of ​​doing charity work, tattooing people who survived breast cancer, came about after having performed several interventions on people who had suffered accidents and who had different types of scars on their bodies, such as burns.

This is how Lili perfected the traditional tattoo so that it would be anatomically perfect on each body, taking into account the particularities of each tattoo.

Art improvement and emotional support

After helping several people, she began to further improve herself as a tattoo artist so that her work would turn out in the best possible way on these skins that were damaged. But, in addition, he was always a psychological support and support for all the people who came to get a tattoo of a scar. This is how the idea of ​​helping people suffering from breast cancer and leaving their art where before there was only pain arose.

Founding of the NGO and expansion of its work

In 2017, when she had been tattooing breast cancer survivors for several years, she created the ONG“Traces of Light”, and also registered the therapeutic tattoo technique at a national level, being a pioneer in the art of therapeutic tattoo and in the tattoo for people breast cancer survivors.

“I developed a traditional tattoo so that it has an anatomically perfect design in the treated area.”

I had tattooed people who came to me with very complex situations, with burns and very large scars from accidents, and they wanted to improve their lives. So one of my clients, who began treatment for breast cancer, asked me about my traditional tattoo service to cover a mastectomy scar. And that’s how I was able to achieve this charitable work.“, he comments.

Reopening of his studio and international recognition

Lili Munster’s tattoo studio is called “Painted Body SJ”and after a year of recess for personal reasons, reopens this Saturday, in its new location in the Gendarmerie neighborhood, right in front of the plaza, on Romero Street at 61 South. The opening will be at 7 pm, there will be live bands and the idea is for the community of customers to gather around their art.

His art transcends the world

Since he started with his ONGhas tattooed women and men from various provinces of the country. Her charitable work has even transcended the nation’s borders and she has been interviewed in media from other countries. The impact of her good deed reached three companies with more than 30 years in the marketing of supplies and products for tattoos, which, from the United States, decided to support her with free supplies so that she can continue to support this free service for breast cancer survivors.

The NGO “Trazos de Luz” and its services for survivors

Lili Munster, the creator of traditional therapeutic tattooing, has also perfected the technique of 3D breast areola reconstruction for breast cancer survivors and people who have undergone cosmetic surgery. In addition, in her studio, she not only performs traditional tattoos, but also provides psychological support to people who are going to get these tattoos.

When they meet me, people have the opportunity to develop a permanent art solution for the rest of their lives, ending breast cancer treatment, which can last several years, at least two or three.. So when survivors come to get a tattoo, they come with a very important emotional burden, and the fact that they choose me makes it a mutual matter. For me it is an honor to be able to work on an artistic solution for each person. The tattoos I do are prepared to the person’s taste, but with the necessary recommendations so that the design is anatomically perfect. Breast cancer survivors have to go through an emotional issue in order to achieve a positive and anatomically perfect design,” says Lili Munster about her work.

Lili Munster, with her pioneering and charitable work, has managed not only to perfect an art, but also to create a space of healing for those who faced the challenge of breast cancer. Her dedication, both technically and emotionally, has made her a success.has allowed us to transform scars into symbols of strength and hope. With the therapeutic tattoo, Lili It not only leaves a mark on the skin, but also on the lives of each of the people it helps, demonstrating that art can be a powerful tool to heal the body and soul.

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