Berlin, top game in the district league, lowest German division: Delay Sports against FC Grunewald. Number of spectators: 1,600.
Many followers come because of Elias Nerlich
“We’ve only just started, our first season, the first promotion, even if it’s only from the district league C to B, but it’s still something special for us. We always want to get higher, but the focus should be on having fun. Playing a bit with his buddies and then together with the community – very, very cool.
The community – that’s millions who follow him on the YouTube or Twitch streaming channels when he plays FIFA and other video games or simply talks about his everyday life. Young people traveling from all over to see Elias Nerlich and Delay Sports play at the bottom of the amateur football league.
Hype among teenagers and young adults
The hype surrounding the club is huge, especially among teenagers and young adults. On Instagram, for example, Delay Sports has significantly more followers than the two Berlin Bundesliga clubs Hertha and Union. The club has only been around for a year and a half.
In November 2021, Elias, called Eli, Nerlich and his buddy, the ex-Hertha professional and also influencer Sidney Friede founded Delay Sports. Florian Fischer is the managing director of the club:
“We have created something of our own. And I have to commend Eli for that. He said from the start: ‘We’re not taking over any club in the state league.’ what could have been done. It would not have been a problem.”
Fans of Delay Sports Berlin cheer on their team in a game against 1st Traber Mariendorf.© Imago / Matthias Koch
BFV President Bernd Schultz says:
“We definitely see a new model here, how a club develops, how it builds up, how it tries to address new groups via social media – which is not lived so intensively in everyday club life. I do believe that the experiment works. In that respect, we made the right decision.”
Schultz is happy that the initially critical voices have become quieter because of the preferential treatment.
We are now hearing a lot of positive things about where Delay Sports comes to the games. There are spectators who are certainly unusual for the district league C. In this respect, a number of clubs are now also benefiting.
For example, many children come to the away game in the Berlin suburb of Hohen Neuendorf. They wait politely behind a red and white streamer until they can high five or take a selfie with their idols.
Several influencers play at Delay Sports
In addition to Eli and Sidney, three other influencers play at Delay Sports. This game attracts 400 visitors. Long queues in front of the beer bar and at the bratwurst stand.
“I think it’s great that we have them in the season, that you can set up an event like this here, it’s just great. That’s good for football, maybe it’ll make a few more kids want to play the sport. You also make yourself better known as a club.”

Elias Nerlich taking selfies with fans© Imago / Matthias Koch
Things are also going well for Delay Sports in terms of football. The quality of the squad is high, many trust the team to march through to the national league. But before that, the club has to start two youth teams. Condition of the football association because of the special permit.
There are not enough soccer fields in Berlin
Problem: There are not enough soccer fields in Berlin. Delay Sports does not receive preferential treatment here.
On the other hand, there are enough children who want to start playing football, if only because Eli and Sid are there, explains managing director Florian Fischer.
“We will start this year, after just one season, with our youth teams. At some point Eli will also hang up his shoes. Then the boys Marius, Jonas or Felix will still play for Delay Sports.”
Critics see promotional event
Many criticize the project as a promotional event, not sustainable enough. Those responsible reply: The high reach of Delay Sports ensures more visibility for amateur football as a whole.
“People are happy to see us in person – it’s a cool thing for everyone.”