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When Hoax News Hinders Vaccination Targets in Indonesia

Bandung, IDN Times – Various fake news or hoaxes circulated in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them is a hoax about the existence of a chip implanted in people’s bodies through an injected vaccine.

Responding to the news, dr. Ursula Penny Putrikrislia, President Director of Harapan Sehat Bumiayu Hospital, Brebes, could only shake her head. According to him, it is logically impossible for a chip to be inserted into the human body through a syringe.

This perception, he said, could hinder mass vaccination of the Indonesian people. If that’s the case, then herd immunity aka group immunity is increasingly difficult to pursue. Not only that, the slow pace of achieving vaccination targets can make COVID-19 more flexible to mutate.

“Hoax like this, if we believe it, the result will be like today. The vaccine target is 70 percent in January, this which has been vaccinated twice is only two percent. It’s already July, seven months have passed. Hoaxes like this must be removed, because we are chasing the same target,” said Penny, in a Media Talk session with Indra Rudiansyah & dr. Ursula Penny Putrikrislia with the theme “Facts About Vaccines and Efforts Towards Communal Immunity”, Thursday (29/7/2021).

1. Logically, the chip will not be able to pass through the tiny needle hole

(Illustration) queuing to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat)

Indeed, hoaxes related to chips implanted in humans through vaccination are old lies, because at least they have been circulating since January 2021. However, the hoax news can make people confused.

Penny said she couldn’t understand the fake news. “That chip, I mean, are we that important to be bugged?” he said.

He explained that the hole in the syringe only contained 1 cc of liquid. And, the vaccine liquid that enters the human body is at least 0.5 cc.

“So, this chip is a liquid or a solid? Even if it is a liquid, it will enter the muscle. Then, where will this chip be planted? Therefore, this news is clearly fake news, a hoax,” said Penny.

2. Referring to the history of mankind, vaccination is the most effective way to fight COVID-19

When Hoax News Hinders Vaccination Targets in Indonesiaillustration of COVID-19 vaccination (ANTARA FOTO/Jojon)

Vaccination, said Penny, is the most effective way to fight against COVID-19. Besides being proven by various studies, this assumption is also proven by the history of mankind in fighting various types of diseases that come.

He gave an example, when the chickenpox epidemic attacked humans for the first time, the solution to this condition was vaccination. Long ago, chickenpox could make humans have a high fever that led to death.

“Maybe chicken pox used to get a few times in a lifetime. After the vaccine, smallpox is the maximum,” said this Beswan Djarum Alumni.

However, chicken pox is a type of disease which our body can remember its character for a lifetime. Therefore, it is rare for humans today to have chickenpox more than once.

Unlike COVID-19, where the human body does not have the ability to remember it for life. For that reason, continued Penny, currently the world community is competing to get vaccinations so that COVID-19 does not continue to mutate into new variants.

3. There can be no chips, in the contents of the vaccine

When Hoax News Hinders Vaccination Targets in IndonesiaIllustration of a vaccine or syringe (IDN Times/Arief Rahmat)

For three dollars, Astrazeneca vaccine researcher from Indonesia, Indra Rudiansyah, said that fake news can indeed hinder the target of herd immunity. Therefore, fighting hoaxes is the duty of people who know the truth about the importance of vaccination.

“We can’t forget the people who don’t understand, they are still afraid of being vaccinated because of the side effects. This is a society that must be protected from misleading news,” said Indra, in the same event.

Because he was directly involved in developing the Astrazeneca vaccine, Indra knows very well that it is impossible for a chip to be implanted in the human body through the vaccination process. According to him, there are several components contained in each dose of Astrazeneca vaccine.

“The main raw material for the Astrazeneca vaccine is a virus that has been killed, or part of a viral protein. In addition to these components, there are also other components of solutions that can stabilize proteins so they are not easily destroyed, solutions to stabilize body fluids, and so on,” said Indra, who is also an Alumni of Beswan Djarum.

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