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when, history, traditions – Ukraine – tsn.ua

On January 14, believers celebrate a great holiday – the Circumcision of the Lord. What does this mean and what traditions exist – read in the TSN.ua material.

According to local traditions, in infancy, Jesus Christ was circumcised. At that time, the procedure was considered a prototype of baptism, so that the child was accepted into Christianity. In honor of this event, believers celebrate the holiday every year on January 14th Circumcision of the Lord. And on January 14, the memory of St. Basil falls, this day is often called the Old New Year by the people.

What is the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord?

A week after the birth of Christ, the foreskin was cut off, which was then done to all male children. This rite in those days meant belonging to the people chosen by God.

Pruning was a very common practice among early Christians, but is rarely practiced today. Now it has been replaced by “spiritual pruning”, that is, the procedure of baptism and fasting. Circumcision is now reserved for Muslims and Jews only.

Also on this day, Christ was given a name and for the first time publicly called Jesus. Although the Angel of the Lord told the Holy Family that they would have a son named Jesus, this prophecy was a mystery. That’s why he is called on January 14th name of Christ and the day of prayer of Jesus.

What is the essence of the holiday

The circumcision of Jesus Christ is charged with a deep metaphorical meaning. This is a sacrament that shows the importance of a person’s humility before God, as well as the observance of all the commandments that the Lord has left us.

Among the ancient Christians, takod circumcision meant the “removal” of sins. Although Jesus was sinless, since he was the Son of God, he did not need this rite, his example showed all believers how important it is to humble yourself, to observe the laws of the Lord.

Traditions of celebrating the circumcision of the Lord

The circumcision of the Lord coincides with the celebration of the Old New Year or St. Basil’s. Because the traditions of these holidays are strongly mixed. On January 14, our ancestors served “Generous Kutya” for a long time – a festive table with a large number of dishes. Unlike “Rich Kuti”, which is served on January 6, all dishes on this day are not songs. Pork is especially often cooked, and the roasted pig is the “king” of the holiday in the villages.

Boys and men go in the morning to sow and wish their owners many years. Girls are forbidden to sow, so they have long gathered to have fun and tell fortunes. Although the Church forbids fortune-telling, nevertheless, in many regions of Ukraine, pagan traditions were combined with religious ones with the advent of Christianity.

Believers must visit the temple, where the festive service of God is held.

What not to do

  • Don’t lend anything, because then you’ll be in debt all year round. It is also better not to issue loans.
  • On this day, it is forbidden to physically work and do household chores.
  • The Church recommends forgetting the quarrels.
  • It is a bad omen to refuse to help those in need on this day.
  • Also, don’t take the trash out of the house.

Strong prayer for the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord

The “Jesus Prayer” is considered a favorite of Orthodox monks. In monasteries it is also called the strongest and is often compared to the prayer of the Our Father.

Jesus’ prayer sounds very simple:

“Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen”.

You can read these words as often as your heart desires.

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