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When everyday foods do us more harm than good

Eating healthy is essential to living long and well. But what do we eat? A simple answer: many genetically modified foods. Many additives. And they all attack our DNA.

In the United States, soy is genetically modified to contain more oleic acid. This acid reduces the level of bad cholesterol but deprives us of other fats.

Genetically modified foods are those whose DNA has been altered to allow for the creation of special mutations. Compared to natural foods, those that grow in the field, this type of food is modified in the laboratory. Which affects the quality and yield of the product. Transgenic foods are the result of biotechnology. They are techniques that allow the transfer of a gene from one organism to another organism, in order to endow it with a special quality that it does not naturally possess.

We know that nowadays it is said that we have little meat compared to the demand. This is how we got genetically modified meat, but also many vegetables: fruit, cereals, cereals.

Apparently, it would appear that this genetic modification is beneficial for everyone: consumers and producers. Because it would solve the problem of demand for the profit of large producers.

However, numerous studies have shown that, over time, genetically modified foods are dangerous for the health of consumers.

Here are some consequences: allergies. appearance of antibiotic-resistant genes. A study conducted in Austria showed that transgenic foods reduce fertility. Tests on mice showed that rodents fed transgenic corn were less fertile than those fed natural corn. In addition, the influence of these foods on the onset of certain types of cancer is increasingly reported.

Here are some of the most popular genetically modified foods on the market: soy and derivatives, potatoes, rice, tomatoes, pineapples, strawberries, peppers.


Most labels list all ingredients, including additives, used in a product. But even so it is difficult to know what lies behind, for example, E199 or monosodium glutamate.

Artificial dyes

Thanks to the artificial colors, the ham is more pink, the biscuits, more orange and as many colors as there are varieties of candies … In short, the artificial colors make the food more appetizing. With one observation: artificial dyes, indicated on the label from E100 to E199, are associated with hyperactivity, headache, insomnia, visual disturbances, cancer risk.

Sodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate (or monosodium glutamate or MSG, indicated E621 to E625 on labels) is a synthetic food additive used to improve the taste of industrially prepared foods, biscuits, sweet sauces, etc.

The problem is that MSG disrupts the hormones that regulate appetite. More precisely, it makes us very dependent on the product that contains it. To which is added the increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, favoring the onset of diabetes, which in turn contributes to premature aging of the brain.

Sodium Nitrate

An almost indispensable food additive in sausages, meat, cheeses, fish is sodium nitrate, because it allows a longer shelf life. But the constant consumption of products containing sodium nitrate can cause, among other things, asthma, hyperactivity, insomnia, dizziness, hypotension, nausea and, above all, colorectal cancer.

Trans fats

Trans acids (partially hydrogenated fatty substances), found mainly in pastry and puff pastry, are extremely dangerous. They affect cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Hydroxytoluene butylate

I think the name – butylated hydroxytoluene – is enough to tell us that this synthetic antioxidant is anything but healthy. And we are not wrong. This food additive is used in the production of industrial preparations, we also find it in chewing gum, but also in many packages. This additive is known to be harmful to the skin – allergy risk – and has carcinogenic potential.

Artificial sweeteners

Aspartame, sucralose, cyclamate, saccharin … are artificial sweeteners, which appear on labels marked E950 to E968. We like these additives because they give the sweet taste to many sugar-free or “low-sugar” products and give us the illusion of a reduced calorie intake.

But beware, artificial sweeteners can cause: chronic fatigue, migraines, degenerative diseases – Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Sodium benzoate

E211 – sodium benzoate – is a food additive that allows the long-term preservation of artificial juices, jams and many sweets. But this preservative weakens the immune system, causes eye irritation, asthma, digestive and behavioral disturbances, insomnia in adults and hyperactivity in children.

Glucose-fructose syrup

Glucose-fructose syrup is a sugar concentrate, used in many types of biscuits, but also in dry meat preparations. The problem with this additive is that our body cannot recognize it, being 100% artificial, and that it causes an increase in blood sugar. Hence the increased risk of diabetes and, in the long term, liver problems.

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