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When Eric puts Paul in his place because of a wrong answer

Eliminated in October 2019, Paul signed his comeback this Friday, March 6, 2020 on the set of 12 Coups de Midi. And viewers who adore the 20-year-old young man were pleasantly surprised to find him again this Saturday, March 7! The man who once shone as a noon master was once again seated in the audience to follow the progress of Eric, the current champion of the game.

Paul VS Eric
Both unbeatable and very picky about the answers, Eric and Paul almost fought to deliver the right answer to a question about the kings of France. While Paul, seated in the audience, signed a new feat by listing at the top, the nicknames attributed to the kings of France, Paul did not fail, at one point, to correct it: “The last Charles is Charles X” he launched. Something to amuse Jean-Luc Reichmann: “The Breton has just stuck one on him!” “

Paul, who admitted his mistake, replied by explaining that he was wrong because he hadn’t counted a monarch for a very specific reason … A real knowledge battle that left the other members of the public hilarious. Jean-Luc Reichmann therefore wished to congratulate the two champions: “Well done Eric, well done Paul, sorry Manon, the answer was Louis XIII as Paul specified” he said to a candidate who had just lost.

Passing on the set of the show that made him famous, Paul took the opportunity to give his news: “I’m still in Grenoble, I took up history in January […] It was difficult but I got back into walking, it’s better ” he explained. For his part, Eric has just entered the history of the game and is now in the top 3 of the greatest champions of the show.

Eleanor of the Fountain

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