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When driving in these countries, just bring SIM A from Indonesia


A driving license (SIM) made in Indonesia can also be used abroad. In some countries the Indonesian SIM has been recognized. So, if you want to drive in these countries, you can just use SIM A.

Without an international SIM, the Indonesian national SIM can be used abroad, especially in ASEAN member countries. Because before there was an agreement.

This is in accordance with the “Agreement on the Recognition of the National Driver’s License Issued by ASEAN Countries” signed in 1985.


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Initially, the agreement was followed by several ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Then in 1997 there were other countries that recognized ASEAN national SIM members, such as Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and in 1999 Cambodia.

However, there is currently a special policy. For example in Singapore, a home SIM is only valid for 12 months after arrival. If you want to continue driving in Singapore beyond this, you need to use a Singapore local SIM. Permanent residents, students and long-term residents must apply for a local driver’s license.

Likewise with Malaysia. Since 2018, the Malaysian government has introduced a new driving license policy for foreign nationals. Holders of a foreign driving license, including an Indonesian driving license, who wish to drive in Malaysia must have a valid international driving license and an Indonesian driving license. For Indonesian citizens who do not have an international driving license, they can apply for a local Malaysian driving license at the Malaysian Driving Institute.

Not only in ASEAN, it turns out that in the US it is still possible to use an Indonesian SIM. Komika Soleh Solihun revealed that he can drive in the United States with a local Indonesian driver’s license. She proved it while she was riding with the motorcycle community of public figures, The Prediction, in the United States recently.

“Our driver’s license is normal. When I rented a car a few months ago, I also had a normal SIM A. The only rule is that if it’s a car there is an inscription on our license which is written in English. C ‘it’s a fair Indonesian driver’s license, ”Soleh Solihun said in an interview with detikOto in the Otogeek program.

“Well yesterday it was the same with the bike. Later we insert the data, there is a selfie with the license, then he will check: ‘Oh, you can rent it.’ I think he has already checked, if the SIM C is in Indonesia, it is a motorcycle SIM. There is no need to use an international SIM, “she said.

However, in reality for driving abroad there is an international driving license which uses several languages ​​in it. The international driving license is valid in 92 countries that respect / recognize, sign, succeed and ratify the 1968 Vienna Convention. One of them is in the United States.

Quoted from the official US government website, people who want to drive in the US must have a valid driver’s license. Some states in the United States require a valid international driver’s license and a home country driver’s license. However, some other states allow the use of a driving license from the country of origin.

For example in California, foreign nationals do not need to use an international driver’s license as long as they are at least 18 years old, a home country driver’s license is valid, and a driver’s license covers the type of vehicle driven in California. However, some car rental agencies may require an international SIM in addition to the home country SIM.

Detikcom’s experience while riding a motorcycle in California, USA, in 2018, we were still being asked to make and carry an international driver’s license. This international SIM is just a precaution so that you can still ride a motorcycle there. Although, during the two days of driving on the streets of California at the time, the officer never asked us to show our driver’s license.

Watch videos”Do not mistake! Here is the official cost of the SIM extension
[Gambas:Video 20detik]
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