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When does vaccination begin for those over 60 and …

With the vaccines that arrive, the Buenos Aires province will send citations to start vaccinating people over 60 without previous illnesses. It is an immense strip of Buenos Aires: a million people. For its part, In the first days of this week, registration will open in CABA for people between 65 and 69 years old. They will start vaccinating after Wednesday.

Each district receives vaccines in proportion to its population and that allows programming the steps that will be taken in the application of the vaccines that arrive this Sunday. This newspaper verified with each of the ministries, of the Province of Buenos Aires and CABA, the short-term plans.

* In the Province of Buenos Aires, the summons to be vaccinated were sent this weekend to almost all those over 70 who remain. With the vaccines that arrive from Oxford / AstraZéneca, those over 60 with comorbidities would be completed, that is, with risk diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular, lung, problems in the immune system.

Buenos Aires government sources anticipated Page 12 that with the doses of Sputnik V, appointments of those over 60 with no previous illnesses can begin. It is a momentous step, because in the Buenos Aires district there are no less than 1,400,000 citizens of that age. If the 400,000 with comorbidities are deducted, which will be finished this week, there will be a million of the 60-69 band of Buenos Aires to be vaccinated. The province governed by Axel Kicillof has the capacity to vaccinate 100,000 people per day, if enough vaccines arrive.

* In CABA, the authorities of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health confirmed that they will finish vaccinating those over 70 next Wednesday. As the vaccines that arrive this Sunday will be available next Thursday, Registration will open at the beginning of this week, between Monday and Tuesday, for porteños from 65 to 69 years old. The vaccination will start before the weekend. The vehicle will always be the same: the page empadronamientovacunacioncovid.buenosaires.gob.ar

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