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When do children lose their milk teeth and how do you ensure that the new teeth are healthy?

Permanent teeth that appear in a child cause reabsorption and loss of milk teeth over time, but mothers wonder about the time when children change their teeth and whether new teeth grow properly and well or not, and this is what we will learn about in the following lines, according to the healthy children website.

Most children lose their teeth in this order:

The teeth of children usually change around the age of six when the incisors become.-

Tooth molars are usually discarded in the back between the ages of 10 and 12, and are replaced by permanent teeth around 13 years old.

Children usually shake their teeth that are about to be pulled out with their tongues or fingers, if your child wants you to remove teeth that vibrate hold firmly with a piece of tissue or gauze and remove them, sometimes, if the milk teeth do not fall by themselves, a doctor may suggest Your child’s teeth extracted.

If your child loses his suckling teeth through cavities or accidents too early, his permanent teeth may grow prematurely and become crooked due to the limited space.

Brushing and thread

Your child may need some help brushing their teeth until they are between 7 and 10 years old, even if their intentions are good, they may not be very good at brushing their teeth.

Ideally, you should brush your teeth within five to 10 minutes after eating.

Also, for long-term dental health, your child needs periodontal care as well; he must be taught to use floss regularly, preferably once a day, in order to help prevent gum disease in adulthood.

The toothpaste that controls tartar can help prevent plaque from sticking to your child’s teeth. Also, the fluoride in toothpaste can enhance the external enamel of a child’s teeth and help prevent cavities.

Your pediatrician may suggest adding fluoride to your child’s diet from 6 months of age, often as part of a vitamin supplement.

Dental checks

Make sure your child gets dental checks twice a year for cleaning, as well as x-rays as recommended by the dentist.

Diet can also play a role in dental health, in particular, reduce sweets that are high in sugar, sticky and other carbohydrates.

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