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When and how to reactivate the US, Trump’s great dilemma in the coronavirus crisis | Univision Politica News

The date and conditions for the start of the reactivation of the US economy after the stoppage forced by the pandemic of the coronavirus will be the most important decision during the mandate of Donald trump.

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But that does not depend on something that is decided in the White House because the Constitution gives the governors the last word on their respective states, even if Trump affirms that the decision corresponds to him, as he did this Monday via Twitter.

In fact, the governor of the state of Washington, Jay Inslee, wrote on Monday afternoon a message on his Twitter account assuring that he and his colleagues from California and Oregon will work together to revive the economies of their states, the first to be affected by the arrival of the coronavirus.

“The West Coast is well ahead of the COVID-19. We are going to make sure it stays that way. WA, OR and CA will work together and in a shared approach to reopen our economies, ”Inslee wrote.

Inslee, who last year was a Democratic presidential pre-candidate for the 2020 nomination, said that “the health of our residents comes first” and that “health and science results, not politics, will guide us in these decisions.”

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Trump has repeatedly shown impatience to restart activities as soon as possible and has been exposed to criticism from public health experts and his political opponents.

At the end of March, when the United States had confirmed 61,000 cases of coronavirus (just over 10% of those that have been counted until the beginning of this week), the president expressed his expectation that the country would resume economic activity for Easter Although he later abandoned that goal due to the health risks involved.

Several press reports indicate that the president’s new goal to revive the country is May 1. Here are some recent opinions on the possibility of reviving the country on that date:

Some countries where the pandemic struck earlier than in the United States have begun to partially lift restrictions.

For example, Spain, the second country in the world with the most confirmed cases (almost 170,000 and about 17,500 deaths), allowed this Monday the incorporation of workers in the industrial and construction sector.

However, in Spain shops and services continue to be closed, office employees work from their homes and the current state of emergency allows them to leave the house only to buy food and medicine.

Photographs of the pandemic in the US: this is how the country faces an unprecedented health crisis (photos)


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