That WhatsApp still has a long way to go to match Telegram, for example, does not take anyone by surprise. Generally, almost all the news released by the messaging service arrives lateand in most cases worse than its rivals.
It’s also worth appreciating the effort Meta makes to leverage nearly every network and application to keep up. A new feature arrives, Saved Messages, the name that WhatsApp gave it.
Saved messages, the new feature of WhatsApp
This new feature will give users more control over messages that disappear. Saved messages will not disappear from the chat and will continue to be visible to all users, who will still have the option to cancel the save at any time. Once that happens, the message will be deleted for everyone.
WhatsApp users can use this feature to save disappearing messages and keep them as they are.i.e. visible to everyone. This will work even if the message has expired. Saved messages will have their own bookmark icon to separate them from other chats.
The feature is currently under development, so at the moment not all WhatsApp Beta users have it available yet, we hope they continue to work and very soon we will be able to enjoy this new feature.