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WhatsApp: what is the new Read Later feature

What’s in sight for Android’s app WhatsApp: the new function is coming “Read Later“, That is”Read later“In Italian, which will make many users happy because it makes managing less important chats much more convenient and limits the risk of being inundated by notifications in the least opportune moments.

The new Read Later function basically replaces the current ones archived chats. or, it would be better to say, it greatly enhances them because it makes them much more useful. In a certain sense, Read Later also enhances another feature that is about to arrive on WhatsApp: the Vacation mode (Vacation Mode), which allows you to mute all archived chats as long as it is active. With Read Later, however, WhatsApp goes even further and directly changes the way the app handles archived chats. Precisely for this reason it is not said that both functions will arrive, since the Read Later is superior to the Vacation mode and almost makes it useless.

WhatsApp: how archived chats work today

At the moment, with the current WhatsApp apps for Android and iOS, when we archive a chat it is sent to the bottom of the chat list and relegated to the appropriate section “Archived chats“. We can archive a chat to make it disappear from the list of recent chats, for reasons everyone can imagine.

However, an archived chat immediately returns to the foreground every time we receive a message: in this case not only the chat is “unarchived“, But we even get notification of the incoming message. With Vacation mode this shouldn’t happen: if a chat is archived it remains archived, even if we receive other messages.

WhatsApp: what changes with the Read later

If he Vacation Mode is already a first solution to the problem of archived chats that “come back to the surface“, The Read later offers much more. In practice, with this new feature, the icon of the chats stored at the top of the list of active chats appears, which allows us to access the chats we have much faster “hidden away“.

Also with the Law after it is as if we had the holiday mode always active: when a chat is archived it is not awakened with every message received, nor is the notification shown. If we want to know if there are new messages in an archived chat we must therefore enter the appropriate section.

What good is the Read Later of WhatsApp

It is clear that with the transition from archived chats to Read after using the WhatsApp app, a lot changes. And for the better. Now we can basically hide and silence forever at the same time a chat, without risking that it will be shown again.

But not only: if we participate in one group chat very “noisy“And we are working or we can’t get distracted, then we can temporarily put that chat among those”Read later”And be quiet for a while. It will then be enough to enter the appropriate section to bring the chat in question among those not silenced.

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