WhatsApp, which constantly renews itself and does not lose its popularity, continues to impress with its new updates. New features have been added with the update made in the Beta version released in the past days. However, only those who were careful noticed the innovation in the update coming to WhatsApp. Here is the new update of WhatsApp…
Aiming to provide users with a better service, WhatsApp is getting all the attention with its new updates. The current application, which has not lost its popular test, continues its updates to solve new problems. As part of the statement made by WABetaInfo, a small change was made in the list of contacts.
While it was stated that the change was difficult to notice due to its small size, an improvement was made in the application’s contacts list. In this context, a new line list has been added to the section showing the text about your contacts.
Within the scope of the published screenshot, it was announced that there are now two lines in the about section, which is currently a single line. However, it was stated that this was not the only change made on the application, and it was said that the text could be seen in the contacts list if a message was forwarded. Even though it was not a big change, it was received positively by users.
While WhatsApp increased the single line view to two lines in its previous version, users wonder why such a change was made. Users were clicking on the text section to read long texts in the about section. However, with the new change, this need has disappeared. You can perform the action you want faster by reading the entire About text.
2023-04-23 23:20:13
#careful #noticed #change #WhatsApp #increased