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Marta gets up at seven, at the same time as her husband and their two children. At a quarter to eight, the two boys will leave home to take the bus that takes them to the high school. Five minutes later, Marta and her partner will do it, each one going to work. This is the only one space of time they share all four of them all morning — and most of the day — although most of the time they hardly have the option of exchanging a few words. Every morning, each member of the family devotes their newly awakened attention almost entirely to their mobile. This could be the usual morning behavior of any average family.
There is no doubt that internet, in general, and social networksIn particular, they are tools that facilitate contact with other people. Thanks to them, we have reduced the distance that separates us from our friends and acquaintances. Now we can always carry them in our pocket and talk to them anytime, anywhere. We have also increased the number of contacts in our calendar and “Friends” from our social profiles, so that it is possible to interact with a large number of people that we had never seen or their faces.
We can say, therefore, that as a consequence of the widespread use of social networks, the number of contacts between people has increased. What is not so clear is that the quality of these interactions has increased. Rather, the opposite seems to be the case.
Contact vs connect.
Contact means “make contact with something or someone ”. It is an operation that, as we have seen, is very simple if you have the necessary technical or technological tools.
On the other hand, connect means “achieve good communication with someone”. That is, it is synonymous with to communicate, which is a much more complicated process than contacting. In this case, having the appropriate technology does not guarantee that communication will be carried out. For a communication process to exist, several well-known elements intervene: the sender, who is the person who initiates the process; the message, which contains the information that the sender wants to transmit; the receiver, who is the person or public to whom the message is addressed and who in turn directs messages to the sender; the channel, through which the message flows; the code or common language between sender and receiver; and the context, which is the set of circumstances in which communication takes place: place and time, culture of the sender and receiver.
The communication with other people It is one of the main needs of human beings, as social beings that we are. However, communicating effectively is not easy, because it requires that the six elements mentioned are in the right conditions. Furthermore, it is not enough for the message to reach the recipient, but it must be understood by the recipient.