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WhatsApp Posts: Messenger introduces new status features

With the WhatsApp status, users can share experiences without having to write to specific contacts. Messenger is now introducing five innovations – for more variety in status reports.

WhatsApp users can upload photos, videos, texts or other posts as statuses and share them with their contacts. The status disappears again within 24 hours. Loud own information WhatsApp adds the previous status function now five new possibilities added.

These include private audience statuses, language statuses, reactions, link previews, and status rings. The messenger plans to introduce the innovations worldwide. In the coming weeks should they be made usable for all users.

These are the five status updates on WhatsApp

For more privacy, it should now be possible to make a new decision for each status, who is allowed to see it. Previously, this function only existed at the app level. Users could only generally set who sees the status. Now this is individual for each new status possible. Individual contacts can be excluded from the status or only a few specific contacts can be clicked on, to which the status is displayed. The last selection is always saved and suggested for the following status. As a reason for this function, the messenger service writes: “Not every status that you share is also suitable for all of your contacts.”

voice messages So far, users have not been able to upload statuses. This is changing now: Messages up to 30 seconds long can now also be shared by status. Users have been able to insert links in the status for some time. From now on, however, this should also be the case visually appealing link previews give. If users now post a link, the app automatically creates a preview for it.

In addition, WhatsApp introduces the possibility of faster status reactions a. “This was the most requested feature by users after the launch of Reactions last year,” the company writes. In order to react to a status, users have already been able to write individual text or voice messages. From now on, all you have to do is swipe up. Then yours will eight different emojis displayed. Tapping on an emoji sends it directly to the respective contact as a reaction.

The so-called Statusringe have been appearing on WhatsApp for some time. However, the company is also announcing this as an innovation. If a contact has uploaded a new status, their profile picture will be surrounded by a green ring. The ring appears not only in the chat lists, but also in the contact lists of groups and in the contact info.

By the way: In addition to WhatsApp, there are numerous alternatives. More about this here: WhatsApp alternatives: an overview of secure messengers.

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