Home » today » Technology » “WhatsApp Open Sky”: the play that asks to turn on their phones

“WhatsApp Open Sky”: the play that asks to turn on their phones

One of the most recurrent slogans of theatrical works is the request to silence, and rather turn off, cell phones since their sounds not only distract the actors and actresses on stage but also because all virtual contact distracts the audience from the scene. show to witness. However, it is the opposite of the proposal of “WhatsApp Open Sky”, an experience to interact through technology.

Stop, explain what the proposal consists of? The invitation is to gather the public at the door of the Metropolitan Sura Theater. Then, they will simultaneously enter a WhatsApp group and go out to the street to start the work that is carried out on the pedestrian. Through messages they are guided to interact with their environment. They are the audience and the protagonists. And as the performance unfolds, they will wonder if those around them are actors, spectators, or simple passers-by who ignore being part of a theatrical event.

“WhatsApp in the open sky” | Photo: Courtesy of the press

“After a year of confinement, we can say that the screens became a way of seeing the world and relating to others”, says the playwright and one of the directors of this show, Jony Camiser. “Our proposal is that the participants lift their gaze from the screen and look into each other’s eyes again. For that we chose Corrientes street itself as the theater of operations for an interactive outdoor experience, which seeks connection and surprise. ‘WhatsApp a Cielo Abierto ‘is the result of a long process of exploration to create a space that allows participants to bond with something that, to some adults, seems lost: play“, he reflects through a release of the work.

In 2017, Ezequiel Hara Duck, another of the directors, premiered “Low profile”, a play by WhatsApp designed to measure for a single spectator that takes place in public spaces. Two years later, already working with Jony Camiser, they presented “Let’s nail the Seen” which brought together 70 people in the middle of Corrientes Street.

“With the arrival of the Coronavirus, the way we related to each other changed, and for a long time we stopped going out to the streets. There we began to think about how to create new ways of connecting outdoors that allow us to play safely, inhabit the public space of a Fun and safe way, through the technical and artistic possibilities that WhatsApp grants. We designed an interactive experience, in which we played to hack the city in the middle of a guided performance tour, which allows participants to connect with play, “says Hara Duck.

“WhatsApp in the open sky” | Photo: Courtesy of the press

And what should I take into account to attend? Its producers give a series of recommendations:

  • Go with the cell phone with a charged battery and access to mobile data (3G / 4G), and the WhatsApp application!
  • Please respect the traffic regulations.
  • All the protocols and preventive care of Covid19 must be followed.

“WhatsApp Open Sky” has functions the Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., their seats can be purchased for Plateanet.com; and has the participation of Tamara Kohen, Brenda Taubín, Carolina Molini, Mercedes Aranda, Leo Krausen, Eugenia Vieytes, Martina Sosa, Josefina Heiderschield, Cristina Benitez, Gaia Perez Verón and Fiorella Fulle.

In this note:

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