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WhatsApp launches new top function for chats

Messenger service users can spice up their chats properly.

Static stickers can be found at WhatsApp
have been shipping for some time. And this function is very popular with users. Millions of stickers are sent every day via the messenger service. Now there is good news for all sticker fans. You can also send animated stickers soon.

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Animated stickers

So reported Android Policethat the current WhatsApp beta versions of Android ( and iOS ( have already integrated the new top function. In the final version, the animated stickers should be able to be sent, received, imported and downloaded.

In the WhatsApp chats, the stickers automatically demonstrate their movement once. If the recipient wants to see the animation again, they only need to briefly scroll up or down:


It is not yet certain when the animated stickers will find their way into the final WhatsApp versions of Android and iOS. But since they have already made it into the public betas, it shouldn’t take too long. A start in the coming weeks seems quite realistic.

>>> Read: WhatsApp gets 5 new top features

Interlinking with Facebook

The novelty now discovered in the beta versions could be a further indication of the early integration of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram. Because in the Messenger service of Facebook, the animated stickers – exactly in this form – have been available for some time. Group CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to combine his three successful apps on a common platform (keyword ” Whatstabook
“). Therefore, the animated stickers should be on Instagram in the foreseeable future – in the direct messages.

>>> Read: Facebook integrates WhatsApp with Instagram

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