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WhatsApp: KPIs and strategies

Vulnerability to errors in defining, analyzing and reporting WhatsApp marketing KPIs

Like any model, WhatsApp Marketing KPIs are inherently flawed. This is due to the following reasons:

  • The WhatsApp Business API offers only limited tracking options. For example, click-through rates cannot be tracked natively through the WhatsApp Business API.
  • Companies like chatarmin.com have to develop their own tracking tools, e.g. a link tracker via “redirects” or a “chatarmin pixel”.
  • Your WhatsApp marketing tool will tend to overestimate the revenue and effectiveness of its own campaigns and sales. The problem of “over-attribution” affects most marketing tools and up to 100% of your MarTech stack.
  • Open rates cannot be tracked for users who have disabled this feature in their private WhatsApp account settings.
  • Working with UTM links and analyzing cohort sales touchpoints will help you understand user journeys and WhatsApp’s contribution to your business success
  • Converting customers is always a multi-touchpoint journey and never a “single-channel” issue.

Overall, we at chatarmin.com offer our customers the use of tracking links, recommend the use of UTM links and have also integrated our Shopify app, which can track the success of abandoned carts as well as the recording of (optionally one-time and time-limited) discount codes. Direct referral links can also be used to track the exact sales success of your WhatsApp marketing campaign.

We also recommend mapping critical events using Klaviyo events and properties that chatarmin.com can trigger and synchronize. This way, you have 100% of your email marketing activities in your WhatsApp marketing tool, and 100% of your WhatsApp marketing activities in your email CRM or “Customer Data Panel”.

Overall, as an online marketer, you should take each tool’s claims about your campaign success with a grain of salt and try to have your ultimate “source of truth” in a customer data panel like your email CRM, tracking or dashboard analytics tools that focus solely on giving you the best overview of your business to avoid tracking errors and attribution issues.

Unfortunately, iOS and Google Analytics updates haven’t made tracking your online marketing efforts any easier over the last year or two, so to speak.

Chatarmin tries to provide the best, most understandable and transparent tools so that you really know what role WhatsApp Marketing plays in your marketing mix.


WhatsApp marketing offers businesses a valuable opportunity to connect with their audience, increase engagement, and boost ROI. By following best practices, creating compelling content, and tracking key performance indicators, you can optimize your WhatsApp marketing campaigns and drive concrete results. Harness the power of WhatsApp as a marketing tool and unleash its full potential to grow your business.

To learn more about WhatsApp marketing metrics and strategies, check out our comprehensive WhatsApp Masterclass on YouTube If you’re ready to take your WhatsApp marketing to the next level, contact us to schedule a personalized demo and explore how our platform can help you achieve your marketing goals.

In this video I explain what an e-commerce Shopify WhatsApp and Klaviyo WhatsApp basic setup can look like:

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