JawaPos.com – For those special moments that friends and family want to enjoy in every little detail, WhatsApp users now have the option to share photos in higher resolution. The official HD quality photo sending feature was announced by WhatsApp.
The presence of this new feature was conveyed by the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg in a Facebook upload. In this post, Mark Zuckerberg demonstrates the HD image sharing feature on WhatsApp through a short 15-second video.
“The photo sharing feature on WhatsApp has just been updated, now users can send HD quality photos,” wrote Mark Zuckerberg in his upload.
With this feature, users can send HD quality photos with a maximum resolution of 2304 x 4096.
It seems that this feature can also be tested by Indonesian users. This follows an official announcement made by WhatsApp in Indonesia.
When checked, there is a WhatsApp Android update version On the iPhone, WhatsApp iOS with a similar version is also likely to be able to use this HD image sharing feature.
Before there was a feature to send HD quality photos, WhatsApp would automatically reduce or compress all images uploaded to a WA conversation. Thus, the size of the image file will be smaller and the quality will decrease.
Before the feature of sending HD quality photos was announced, users tricked sending high quality images with the “Documents/Documents” sending feature. This method is powerful, but a little troublesome.
However, to ensure that sharing photos via WhatsApp remains fast and reliable, Standard Quality will continue to be the default choice for sending photos. If you receive photos when you have low bandwidth connectivity, you can choose on a photo by photo basis whether to keep the standard version or upgrade to HD.
2023-08-19 00:54:00
#WhatsApp #Officially #Send #Photos #Quality