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WhatsApp history revealed! “Peter and Yvonne are in love”

Are Peter and Yvonne planning a love documentary?

The ex-jungle camper shared a meaningful WhatsApp history in her Instagram story, which is intended to provide definitive proof that there is more going on between her husband and the blonde. It says, for example “And I want to see your red cheeks again and sense and feel your body”. These messages are also piquant: “Good morning my darling. Would you like to call again? I could still”, then follows: “Ok, no more now. I love you.” Messages written by Peter Klein Yvonne Woelke? If Iris has his way, yes. She also spoke personally:

Tonight came the confession: Yes, he fell in love. So folks, I don’t need more evidence and neither does Yvonne Woelke: Your lies have been exposed. This morning you wrote my husband how much you love each other. So please spare me in the future. There is also no interview. Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein are in love and they are doing a documentary and an interview together and I wish you the best of luck

she explained in her Instagram story, which was deleted a short time later (the story is available from OKmag.de). Cool! Is the truth about the whole marriage drama coming out now? Unclear, because so far neither Peter Klein nor Yvonne Woelke have commented on the alleged confirmation of their secret love …

Also exciting: Yvonne Woelke: Who is Peter Klein’s alleged affair anyway?

Sources used: Instagram

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