Home » today » Technology » WhatsApp comes with a new function: messages automatically deleted after seven days – Scammed ?!

WhatsApp comes with a new function: messages automatically deleted after seven days – Scammed ?!

The popular WhatsApp messaging service will soon roll out a new function that will automatically delete messages within seven days. That is useful in theory, but there are also a few snags: this way scammers can also take advantage of it. What exactly do you need to know?

The function is not currently active and when this functionality will be rolled out is also unknown. WhatsApp does have an explanation about this new function included in the question and answer section, indicating that it cannot be too long.

What exactly does the job entail?

Anyone who enables this function ensures that sent messages are automatically deleted after seven days. This not only applies to text messages, but also to photos and videos. Whether these messages were read in these seven days or not, does not matter for the functionality: all messages disappear after seven days.

This function can be set for individual conversations as well as for group conversations. The difference is that you can set this yourself for all individual conversations, but only the administrator of a chat group can set this up for a group conversation.

Why is the new feature potentially useful?

You may not always think about it, but those who use WhatsApp frequently build up an enormous wealth of personal information over time. The consequences can be very great if malicious parties are able to gain access to your account and your conversation history.

As a user, this function gives you a little more control over the retention period of potentially sensitive information, and you can ensure that sensitive information does not remain on your own device – or that of someone else! – remains standing.

What are the potential risks of the new position?

WhatsApp itself indicates that people should only enable this function with conversation partners they trust. The sent texts and documents may disappear from the chat, but in theory malicious parties can of course make a backup by saving certain photos or videos or by taking screenshots of conversations.

The forwarding of this information is also still possible during the seven days that the messages are available, just as it is now actually possible.

Also watch out for strangers: scammers will be happy with this feature

An additional point of attention concerns scams, and more specifically the securing of evidence of any conversation history that has taken place on WhatsApp. Scammers who set up this function can, for example, approach you for a deal via Marktplaats and try to continue the conversation on WhatsApp.

By the time you realize you’ve been scammed, the chat history may be more than seven days old and the evidence destroyed before you can secure it. In any case, it is good to take that into account.

This can include accounts that are unknown to you that approach you, but scammers and hackers can also take over your account and scam people on your behalf. This weekend went there many malicious text messages around on behalf of WhatsApp, showing how easy it can sometimes be to hijack an account. So always pay attention.

Source: Tweakers / WhatsApp

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