JawaPos.com – A few weeks ago, WhatsApp was reported to be introducing a new feature called “Channels”. This feature will be useful for both content creators and individual businesses. With Channels, they can reach more people at the same time.
Users can also have more control over who can reach them with that content. This is because, you can only receive content from the channels you are subscribed to.
Reports about WhatsApp preparing the Channels feature as usual came from WABetaInfo. Apart from that, the company is also working on adding 12 new features to Channels. WhatsApp will also remove the Status tab and replace it with the Update tab.
Also Read: WhatsApp Officially Introduces Channel Features, See Its Functions and Uses?
Under the new Update tab, users will find Status and Channels. One great thing about Channels is that user information stays hidden. This means neither Channels members nor creators will see your phone number.
Channels WhatsApp is currently still under development. However, the new Android Beta update has revealed more details. The details show that WhatsApp Channels will come with 12 new features.
Here are 12 features that will be coming to WhatsApp Channels:
UI Channels WhatsApp
The WhatsApp channel will come with a full-screen conversational interface or User Interface (UI). A similar interface is available for WhatsApp beta for iOS This interface comes to the community announcement group. Users on the iOS platform will see it after installing the beta version of the TestFlight app.
WhatsApp Channel Verification Status
WhatsApp channels can also get verification status like other social media platforms. This verification status will be represented by a green tick. However, what is unclear about this is the process involved in requesting verification.
Hopefully, the company will provide an official FAQ along with the launch. All answers related to the verification process can come later.
Total Followers
The channel will also show the number of followers under the channel name. For channels with many followers, this will show estimates. For example, a channel with 1,548 followers might show 1.5 thousand followers.
2023-06-10 02:35:00
#Ready #Challenge #Telegram #WhatsApp #Prepare #Channels #Features