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WhatsApp and the secret trick to send long videos without having to cut them

The platform bought by Facebook For several years now, it only allows sending videos of up to 16 MB, therefore, the file cannot have good quality nor can it be extensive.

Luckily, there are some third-party applications that allow us to send large videos through WhatsApp, and that you can use them both on a phone Android as in a iPhone.

How to send long videos on WhatsApp

The most trusted apps to compress WhatsApp videos are Video Compressor for Phones Android and Video Compressor on iPhone. You can download both apps from the Play Store and App Store, respectively. Here we explain the steps you must follow:

  • Download the app that you are going to use to compress your video.
  • Once the application is downloaded, we will simply open it, choose a video and compress it into the smallest size of the three options that we are offered.
  • Now click on “Share video” through WhatsApp.

In this way, you will be able to send long videos to your WhatsApp contacts, without the need to be cutting the audiovisual content that you want to share, since the messaging service only allows files of up to 16 MB.

Also, remember that these applications can be downloaded for free from Play Store and the App Store, and they weigh less than 10 MB, so even if it is an app that you are not going to use too much, having it installed will hardly be noticeable in the memory of your phone.

This content has been originally published by La Republica at the following address: larepublica.pe


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