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What’s up with the morning after pill? | Tijuana News

Tijuana, BC.- Sexuality is an issue that must be addressed from an early age among society in general to solidify the decisions that are made regarding the development, training, and future of each individual.

Therefore, FRONTERA in conjunction with Rome Pharmacies they will undertake the task of putting some data on the table in favor of new and, why not?, old generations. This time it will be the turn of the famous morning-after pill.

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It is a contraceptive method that according to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) It can be used only in emergency cases, in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It should be taken no later than 72 hours after having unprotected sexual intercourse.

The pill can only be used only in emergency cases.

Effectiveness of the morning after pill

According to CDMX Women’s Medical Center, if taken within 24 hours, the effectiveness is around 90%. After more than 72 hours, the effectiveness decreases to 75% (since these compounds do not act after fertilization has taken place).

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Another important fact to underline is that in any reproductive life stage Unplanned pregnancy can be prevented: If you forget to take oral contraceptives for more than three days in a row, if you delay the application of an injectable contraceptive, due to condom breakage during intercourse, expulsion of the IUD, due to incorrect use of a contraceptive method and even for having suffered sexual assault.

On the contrary, this method should be avoided at all costs if the pregnancy is confirmed, as it will no longer have any effect. Nor is its routine implementation recommended, for this there are contraceptive methods much more effective as both the male and female condoms, vasectomy, contraceptive patches, the vaginal ring, etc.

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At any stage of reproductive life, an unplanned pregnancy can be prevented.

At any stage of reproductive life, an unplanned pregnancy can be prevented.

Side effects

We must also touch on the issue of side effects, since for many it is one of the most important aspects when making the decision to implement; These can be changes in menstrual bleeding, decrease or increase in usual menstrual bleeding, nausea and vomiting (if vomiting occurs three hours after administration, you should consult your doctor, as you would surely have to take another one), headache , fatigue, abdominal pain, as well as breast tenderness.

Finally, it is recommended to see a doctor to clarify any kind of doubt, in addition to making a diagnosis according to personal needs, reproductive expectations and health condition; in any Rome Pharmacy you can find the product mentioned in this text or you can visit the Inmédica officeslocated next to all branches.

 Photos: Courtesy

Photos: Courtesy

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