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What’s Needed to Improve Service on New York’s Rail Transportation System | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

we will talk more about this thisevening.hope: thank you very mucha, we will be pending.the rail system ofnew york faces challenges forrecover closed linesduring the pandemic.ronnie cabral explains whatpropose the authorities oftransportey which are therequests from users ofamtrak.romy: train travelas a viable alternativefor long trips within thenew york state einterstate, but its delaysmake him eat ofLegislature transport itquestion, as it happened in aaudience with the departmenttransport and authorities ofto improve the service.the commissioner oftransportation department saidthat seeks to mobilize the systemrail, but they need a$ 2,500,000,000 investment orto the resources to repair íastrain, bridges, remodelstations and change wagons.the chief executive saiddelays suffered by trains,besides being the result ofthe lack of investment andclimatic conditions, haveoperation, but they workto reduce the.to check what soeffective travel by trainregularly, we checkthese services in Albany withcrowded.in this station of Albanywe notice that it is six tripson the calendar, three is aweather.while three others havechanged his schedule with up18 minutes late.in new york city,during our tour, justa trip took several minutesdelay. usually thisEstacón is characterized bytardiness.as for other aspects toupgrade the amtrak system,we talked with the presidentof the passenger association.stated that one of thecommon problems is thelack of ability.trains sold in fullon the weekends that I invitedpeople make planslast minute.>> needs maintenance and alots of things.>> we don’t have the technology.>> wings security, a little wingscleaning.romy: an assemblyman in theHe explained how he considers caringthe environment duringtrain routes.>> not only the trains ofthe passengers, but those whocurrently carry cargo, istrucks off the roads.romy: seún authorities ofamtrak, routes removedduring the pandemic they could

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