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“Whatever happens, we will not be able to redo a general containment in France” indicates the Scientific Council

What there is to know :

– Since the beginning of March, Covid-19 has killed at least 29,065 people in France, including 18,715 in hospitals and 10,350 in social and medico-social establishments. The number of deaths in Hauts-de-France is 1,764, including 885 in Nord-Pas-de-Calais since the start of the epidemic.

France is returning to an almost normal life with the authorization to move freely on the territory, the much-awaited reopening of cafes, bars and restaurants, sports halls and swimming pools in green areas, the reopening of schools, colleges, high schools.

– On the treatment side, the resounding and highly criticized Lancet study, which doubted the value of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19, finally sank with the withdrawal of three of its four authors.

– Questions ? Any information you’d like us to verify? Go to the Coronavirus Facebook group: let’s help each other in #NPDC.


7.40 a.m. French mask producers are overproduced and can no longer sell them

Textile companies in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region converted their workshops to the production of masks during the health crisis. But for the past week, unsold items have grown for some of these companies. Representatives of the textile industry want public orders to be assigned as a priority to French companies, notes this Friday morning Ouest France.

7:30 a.m. France: 179 children affected by inflammatory syndrome close to Kawasaki disease

In France, 179 children are now affected by the inflammatory syndrome close to Kawasaki disease. According to Santé Publique France, half of these young patients tested positive for Covid-19 and 22% others could have been linked to the virus.

7:10 a.m. From Wednesday, Les Prés du Hem reopens, but not their beach

An emblematic site of the Armentiérois, the Prés du Hem will be accessible free of charge for the ride and certain activities from next Wednesday. To go to the beach and enjoy nautical activities, you will probably have to wait until July 4. In the meantime, entry is free.

7 a.m. The next world: pandemic and demonstrations are a red flag, says Angélique Kidjo

For Angélique Kidjo, African music star known for her activism and her experiences of fusion between African and Western music, the coronavirus pandemic as the current demonstrations against racism in the United States have exposed the defects of a capitalism that ‘she calls for reform:’ Greed has weakened our system, our ecosystem, our humanity, our freedom, everything. It is a wake-up call for all of us, a sign that we cannot remain observant, in a society where there is so much injustice and inequality of wealth. People work and earn nothing … Capitalism does not work for everyone. (…) There are things we cannot speculate on: health, education, all services intended for human well-being.

6:52 a.m. And what about night clubs?

We are waiting for an announcement », Indicates to BFMTV.com Laurent Lutse, the president of the Union of trades and industries of the hotel industry (Umih) for the coffees, brasseries and establishments of night. Regarding the reopening schedule, he mentioned the date of June 22, the third stage of deconfinement, without any certainty. But for him, ” the night must see the day again ”. “We are able to receive our audience safely “, Assures this representative of Umih, evoking a possible distribution of masks for all those who would present themselves without this precious sesame at the entrance of the discos.

6:50 a.m. R0 below 1 in France

Two days after entering the second phase of deconfinement, the epidemic seems contained and continues to decline in France. In its last epidemiological point on Thursday, Public Health France reports reassuring data: the R0, which attests to the transmission and circulation of the disease, remains below the bar of index 1, since it is now established at 0.76, reports BFMTV this Friday morning.

6:45 a.m. In the post-Covid United States, nearly 20% unemployment

The unemployment rate for May in the United States, released on Friday, could be close to 20%. It will show the extent of the pandemic’s damage to the world’s largest economy, shaken by anti-racist protests that have brought to light the strong inequalities. You have to take a leap back in time in 80 or 90 years to find such a high rate, going back to the Great Depression of the 1930s. At the worst of the crisis, one in four Americans was then unemployed.

6 a.m. “Whatever happens, we will not be able to redo a general containment in France

In an interview with the Parisian, Pr Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Scientific Council, estimated that ”
whatever happens, we will not be able to redo a general containment in France
” ”
The first time, it was essential, we had no choice, but the price to pay is too heavy
“, he added. ”
The population would surely not accept it, the economic consequences would be major and, even from a health point of view, this is not desirable
“, He argued.

Once you’ve said that, what do you do if the situation gets worse? So you need a big prevention plan
“, He concluded. The scientific council responsible for guiding the public authorities in the management of the Covid-19 crisis thus recommends preparing for “four probable scenarios
For the coming months.

5:45 a.m. Brazil, the third most bereaved country

The country of 212 million people has become behind the United States and the United Kingdom, but ahead of Italy, the third most bereaved country. More than 34,000 died from the coronavirus there, with a new daily record of deaths (1,473), according to the Ministry of Health. For specialists, the official figures are largely undervalued.

Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro remains in favor of a return to normal economic activity, in defiance of the containment measures taken by state governors.

Globally, the pandemic has killed more than 387,000 people since the virus first appeared in China in late December. The United States remains by far the most affected country (more than 108,000 deaths), followed by the United Kingdom (39,904), Brazil (34,021) and Italy (33,689).

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