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“What you want is always after fear”

He has 11.7 million followers, which amounts to something like the people of Greece all together. Patry Jordán (Girona, 1984), who began giving beauty advice on YouTube during the 2010 crisis, managed, a decade later, to activate six million inmates with their gymnastics tables. From Andorra, where she resides with her partner, she shows an unusual closeness in a number one influence that, according to analysts, has been able to earn up to two million euros as a content creator.

– Do you remember the first video you uploaded?

-Sure. It was a presentation video. “Hello, how are you, I’m Patry, I’m going to start sharing …”. I recorded it 6 or 7 times. I didn’t know anything about anything. I just wanted to shut up mouths.

–Shut up mouths?

–I have dyslexia. It has always been a limitation. My grades were fair. I remember my father telling me: “I am going to take you out of school and I am going to make you scrub.” I had the demand to show myself –and show– that what I was hearing in my environment was not true.

‘He has shown it. How does it feel to be an internet superstar?

-If you talk about ego, I take it as if I had zero followers.

-Hard to believe.

–I belong to the first generation of youtubers. I wanted to discover, learn and share. And I continue because I enjoy challenges.

–Challenges that give a dizzying money.

“I don’t need many things.” I have always adapted to what was coming. At the age of 24, he was managing a gym, the crisis of 2010 came and it closed. I had two options: go on strike or give one-on-one classes at 600 euros. I gave the classes. What you want is always after fear.

– Good, but it will have a gift …

“We always expect a supernatural gift, and the gift is to commit to what you love.” When I was 16 I traveled alone three times to the United States, to dance. I was going by train to Los Angeles when no one was traveling by train. I’ve always seen myself capable of anything. Hence my motto: “I can handle everything.”

“Did you have a family safety net?”

–I was lucky to have a sporting environment. My father [Miguel Jordán] He started the Girona football school, my brother Eloy works as an analyst at Barça and my mother had a gym. They told me: “You will spend a lot of time working, so choose something that you love, or you will suffer.”

– Do you know what failure is?

-Yes of course. One is that, except when I went to Dancing with the Stars, I haven’t danced again. Another was that I asked my parents to do high school in London, but at home the economic situation was not very good.

-His parents separated.

“It was not pleasant for anyone.” I took out the rebellion and took on a very protective role with my brother, 10 years younger than me (they had me when I was 19 years old). Nothing that hasn’t happened in other families, right?


–I got up at 6 in the morning and gave a spinning class, from 9 to 18 I worked in a communication agency, and went back to the gym until 21; and on the weekends there was tourist animation. With 19-20 years he earned more than 3,000 euros.

–It’s tired just hearing it. The digital world, later, has brought incredible things to him.

-Many! I have been in Cannes sharing a table with Julia Roberts and Will Smith, I have shot with Eva Longoria feeling like one more … And in my quarantine I went from a million and a half daily followers to six million. 28,000 connected at the same moment watching a live! Also, the feedback is wonderful.


– Yesterday I went to sleep with the case of a girl with hip cancer. She made a video saying that the only thing that keeps her motivated is sports and that it started with me. The only thing people need is support.

– Who supports you?

– The truth is that many times I need a “how are you?” People think that I am full of energy, that I am always well. And it is not true. I am lucky to have a partner and a great team –16 coaches, five nutritionists, three psychologists, two designers– who support me a lot.

–In Andorra she is the only female starlet. There are the Rubius, Vegetta777, Mikcrack …

-I love that! Women have to get rid of the limitations that we have dragged along for generations. There are many of us who show what we are worth. That is why it hurts me when criticism comes from women who demand a perfection that does not exist. I am not a superhero.

“I bet her father is glad he didn’t” send her to wash. “

–[Ríe] “Well, yes, what you were doing has been worth something,” he tells me.

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