Home » today » News » What you should know before doing the process for the driver’s license for undocumented immigrants in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

What you should know before doing the process for the driver’s license for undocumented immigrants in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

year in the media 50 and for theMonday.Attention, get permission fromdriving to new york hadcomplicated by fraud investlisten to the authorities.berenice garner explains andtells us how to do thisprocess.berenice: the waiting timeto get an appointment with himengine department andincrement vehiclesenormously during thepandemic, forcing many topay for a free service.Here we tell you how to do it.>> there were no appointments and the rowsberenice: maya valés, de laproject organizationlabor justice where they helpedworkers excluded aapply for benefits for thepandemic, explains that thedriving license seit had a value of 4 pointsautomatically.as you will see identifications ofnew york counted astests.made their August.inspector’s investigationstate general, hadcharged up to $ 3000 to dothose of driving with byothers, when they were enabledthe line for the pandemic.>> theneed, that people werewanting an identification.berenice: do this seíafraud, he betterprocess yourself.to make your appointment, you canvery good idea.to any motor officeand vehicles, but not allaccept incite people,some if notthey are very worried.There you can make your reservation.They seek to get the identificationdoing the test is theknowledge.or why to preventfrauds, they have added severala face recognitionto see that the one who istaking exam is the one that shouldto be.cal is what themigrants?>> that they think before.berenice: never pay forservices that are free.ódigo qr encontraá ásinformation about this newsand the process to get yourlicense or your identification

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