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what you should know about this deadly disease – Teach Me About Science

World Ovarian Cancer Day is celebrated on May 8 and the objective of its commemoration is to increase awareness, knowledge and awareness about the symptoms and characteristics of this type of cancer that allows, as far as possible , have an early diagnosis, timely treatment and a better prognosis.

Ovarian cancer actually refers to a group of cancerous abnormalities that can originate in the ovaries, areas linked to the fallopian tubes and/or the peritoneum; It has been determined that there are approximately more than 30 different types of ovarian cancer.

This type of neoplasms is positioned as the seventh most frequent cancer in women worldwide and, in Mexico, it is in third place in gynecological cancers with high mortality. In this way, ovarian cancer is considered the most lethal of female cancers, above breast and cervical cancer.

One of the main complications that maintains its incidence and mortality is that there is no reliable and preventive screening test that can be performed in people with risk factors for early diagnosis, such as mammography for breast cancer and Pap smear for cervical cancer.

Thus, ovarian cancer is often diagnosed in advanced stages after it has already spread. Despite this, specialists indicate that this neoplasm presents symptoms and signs that can alert us and that are commonly attributed to less serious diseases or normal conditions for your body, however, it is extremely important to recognize and identify the unusual signs that warn of a abnormal cell growth within your body, including:

  • Persistent feeling of abdominal swelling
  • abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
  • Changes in toileting habits with the urgent feeling of having to urinate and increased frequency of urination
  • Constipation
  • pain during intercourse
  • extreme exhaustion
  • Changes in a woman’s menstrual period, such as heavier or irregular bleeding

It is described that 9 out of 10 women they experience multiple symptoms before diagnosis, so, although these may seem non-specific and be caused by non-cancerous diseases, follow-up and adequate attention should be given to any manifestation. Describes the American Cancer Societythat a sign of greater alert is that the symptoms are usually so persistent that they show their abnormality, in this way, if these manifestations appear more than 12 times a month, it is important to go to the doctor to do a more thorough check-up.

Finally, the prevention of this type of cancer is complex because the risk factors, for the most part, are not modifiable, among which are included:

  • Anyone born with ovaries
  • Age: the risk increases with age, being more common among people aged 50-79 years.
  • Close family history (mother, sister, aunt, grandmother): If your family has a history of ovarian, breast, colorectal, or endometrial cancer, your risk is increased
  • Having had breast, uterine, or colorectal cancer
  • Genetic mutations: your risk is increased if you have mutations in genes associated with ovarian cancer, such as the BRCA gene
  • Higher risk in women who have not had children
  • have endometriosis
  • Use of hormone replacement drugs

The only risk factors that are easily modifiable and that have been implicated in this type of cancer are smoking and being overweight or obese, so maintaining healthier lifestyle habits with a proper diet, physical activity and avoiding of tobacco, could help reduce the chance of getting ovarian cancer.

On the other hand, the reduction of the risk factors that are mostly involved leads to the use of complicated methods such as the removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes or the decision of a pregnancy that is a great responsibility. So the determination and knowledge of the symptoms that may indicate the presence of this neoplasm at an early onset is the best measure to be able to detect it in time and ensure that the treatment works more adequately.

Remember to go to a medical specialist at any sign, he has the power to guide you and carry out the relevant studies to reach an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

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