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What you should know about the reopening of movie theaters in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

distribution of 16,000 doses inthe brooklyn sector.I have to mention him toothis morning than todayre-present moviesin the great theaters of thebig Apple. after almost a yearto be closed. Ricardo is therein manhattan and has all theinformation.ricardo: good friendsviewers, the reopening ofcinemas today in the city ofnew york that comes nextof 10 days that themass event venues ofso that progressively therecreation and arts spacesthey go back to their jobs andAttention to the public.cinemas will operate at 25%of its capacity with no more than50 people per room. in whatRegarding the protocol ofhygiene and safety is requiredthe following, the usual usemask except whenthe person is eating ordrinking. assigned seatstrying to distancesocial, personal for himspectator control and veryimportant for the part of theadministration andcompliance with standardsventilation and temperatureinside the halls. by orderthe governor’s opening wasproduces since the indices ofcontagion and hospitalizationare decreasing in newyork so that thekind of coordinated workbetween health sectorspublic and activitieseconomic. with this decisionin favor of movie theatersof the industry are projectedupcoming space openingsentertainment like 15March and there reopening forwedding activities and for

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