register plates,card and that’s it.ana patricia: I take note, manythanks for the advice.the program “summer” returnsrising” to strengthen the100,000 wing skillschildren and adolescents andensure their success in school,mayor adams today inaugurates it andour isabel peraltahill notfrom primary school 188which is in lower manhattan.isabel: good morning anapatricia, start thisprogram, if the inaugurationofficially this programsummer “summer rising” and it is thatin this time when childrenthey leave classes they don’t havea lot to do at home,they spend it many times in thecell phone, other times playing onthe street thenturn a problem into a long oneterm does not learn, is lateschool and arrive nextyear and they are not at the same levelwho can developtheir emotional skillsand even now after withthis pandemiccoronavirus that many of thechildren were late in theschools.this program is basicallyfor children five to 14 that isbasically kindergarten to eighthdegree and some have been opened110,000 positions so that everyonethe students of the city ofnew york is for schoolspublic and private canparticipate also help fordisabled children andother activities until6:00 pm where do you go to íasartistic, excursions,parks and children have agreat opportunity, says theMayor Of Learning,progress and prosper becauselong term you can see theresults, maybe not of shipsbut over the years many parents