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What you need to know about the scholarship for children who have lost their mother or father to Covid

Mexico – This weekend begins the process of vaccination of teachers and teaching staff in Campeche.

It is expected that this weekend about 12 thousand doses will be applied in the entity, as confirmed by SEP.

The process includes more than 20,000 education workers in the entity, including teachers, teachers, supervisors, supervisors, principals, principals, area heads and administrative staff of public schools. Basic, upper middle and higher education.

After application of the second dose, and depending on the epidemiological conditions of the entity, it will be possible to open the Community Learning Centers (CCA), as well as the return to classroom activities.

Moctezuma Barragán described this vaccination strategy as very good news for learning communities and reiterated that if one sector has been managed well during the pandemic, it is the national education sector.

He said that on Saturday and Sunday 12,157 doses will be distributed to basic education staff, in the five redistribution points, located in Campeche, Champotón, Ciudad del Carmen, Escárcega and Xpujil and, later, to the 81 available vaccination centers. As of Monday, the vaccination of higher and higher education personnel will begin.

The second discussion of the year took place with the participation of more than 8 thousand supervisors and supervisors from the states of Aguascalientes, Baja California, Campeche, Colima, Coahuila, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Sinaloa, Sonora, Veracruz, Zacatecas and Mexico.

Moctezuma Barragán recalled that the next secretary of public education, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, participated in the consultation forums, held during the transition period in 2018, for which she said that by collecting the opinions and advice of the teaching profession, it was possible to consolidate legislation. current in matters of education and create the respective secondary laws.

He commented that among the actions that will be reinforced, there is that teachers have the best situation and the best tools to be able to work from their educational practice, with better options and better elements that allow it.

LEE scholarship for boys and girls who have lost a father or mother to Covid


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