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What you need to know

Your doctor has prescribed a sick leave and you are worried that your income will decrease. Know that to compensate for the loss of your salary, you can benefit fromdaily allowances. However, before being able to receive these allowances, a waiting period apply. How many days of deficiency? When does the daily allowance start? Are there situations in which there is no waiting period? Explanations.

Eligibility days: when does the daily allowance start?

When you are in sick leave, daily allowances you are paid by your Primary Health Insurance Fund in order to compensate for the loss of wages during the period of your arrest (1).

If you meet the conditions for entitlement to daily subsistence allowances, you can benefit from it after a 3-day waiting period (2).

You are on sick leave from March 4, 2019 to March 8, 2019. A 3-day waiting period applies, that is from March 4 to 6, 2019. You will start receiving the daily social security benefits (IJSS) from March 7, 2019 Only March 7 and 8, 2019 will be compensated by Cpam.

Your collective agreement or one company agreement may provide for a reduction, or even the elimination of this waiting period. To find out, consult your collective agreement.

If your company plans a salary maintenance during the period of your sick leave, in this case, your daily allowances will not be paid to you by Social Security but by your employer. The latter will collect your place from the IJSS and will then ensure your compensation. This is called the subrogation.

Exceptions: no waiting days in some cases

In some cases, the 3 day waiting period does not apply. You can then directly touch your IJSS. It’s the case :

  • after a resumption of activity of 48 hours maximum between the end of your work stoppage and the start of the extension stop;
  • when your judgment is linked to a long lasting affection (ALD): the waiting period only applies for the first stop;

You need help to build your application for recognition of occupational disease? We can support you in your steps.

? hold back :

To be compensated, do not forget to send part 1 and 2 of the sick leave form to your Cpam and part 3 to your employer. You have 48 hours to complete these steps. After this time, you will not receive IJSS.

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