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what you can do from Monday- Corriere.it

The certification

The vaccination certification is that healing have validity six months: at expiration, both the recovered and the vaccinated must however carry out the swab. For all other citizens the swab has validity of 48 hours and is used to transit from one region to another. If there is no specific ordinance in the destination region, it need not be repeated. They must also be swabbed minors over 2 years old.

Second box

The return home is always allowed, and it is also possible to go to second homes. In the white, yellow and orange areas (not in the red ones) you can reach the holiday homes even with friends and relatives, but in number maximum of four people, in addition to minors.

Visits to relatives and friends

Always respecting the curfew from 10pm to 5am, from 26 April to 15 June in yellow areas and orange areas (but in this case only in the municipal area) it will be possible go to a single inhabited private house once a day to visit family and friends. The maximum number of people allowed to travel is four, plus minors under the age of 18 (and no more minors than 14 as in the previous decree). For the red areas this derogation is not foreseen.

The school

From 26 April face-to-face lessons in high school increase. In the red areas it must be guaranteed at least 50% and up to a maximum of 75% of the student population and in the yellow and orange zones at least 70% and up to 100%.

Bars and restaurants

The public places are open for lunch and dinner, but they can host customers only outdoors. From 1 June it will be possible to receive customers also indoors, but only for lunch, from 5 to 18. The bars in the yellow zone can only do table service outdoors, therefore it is not allowed to take coffee or consume food at the counter. Takeaway sales are permitted. The bars will stay open until 10pm, for outdoor service and with customers sitting at the table. Takeaway is allowed only until 6pm. Catering in hotels is allowed only for guests staying there.

The new decree: rules and insights


Cinemas, theaters and concert halls reopen, exclusively with pre-assigned seats and respecting the distance of one meter. The capacity cannot exceed 50% of the maximum authorized, the maximum number of spectators of 1000 outdoors and 500 indoors. Land the same rules apply to sporting events, where for the maximum capacity of stadiums or sports halls of 25%. In the yellow zone the rules may vary in compliance with the principles set by the CTS. The discos remain closed.

April 25, 2021 (change April 25, 2021 | 08:08)


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