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What you absolutely mustn’t eat if you don’t want to worsen your performance in bed

Have you been invited to a date? Want to impress your flame and take her out to dinner in a nice place? So here are some little tips on how not to screw everything up if you go home together. In fact, you can make stupid mistakes even at the table.

Eating adequately could prove to be a winning move for your partner’s conquest. Find out with us what you absolutely must not eat if you do not want to worsen your performance in bed.


Licorice should definitely not be eaten before a gallant evening. This advice applies more to men than anything else. In fact, this sweet snack raises the pressure, but lowers the testosterone level dramatically. This hormone is, in fact, directly linked to the desire and energy expended within one’s performance.

The beans

This advice is valid for both sexes and as intuitive as it may be, it is always best to remember it.

Especially in the first steps of a relationship it is better not to abuse beans or other legumes. In fact, they can cause unpleasantness flatulenze which can only be forgiven by a longtime partner.

Sausages, red meat and cheeses

Does a mix of cold cuts and dairy products seem an excellent idea for an aperitif for two or as the opening of a meal? But no!

All of these foods should be avoided for one simple reason. These are difficult elements for our stomach to process. For this reason they induce drowsiness and can be fatal in the success of a relationship!

We have therefore seen what you absolutely must not eat if you do not want to worsen your performance in bed.

Was this small list of what you absolutely shouldn’t eat if you don’t want to worsen your performance in bed? Then don’t miss tips on foods to eat for your own health prostate!

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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