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What Would Earth Look Like Without Humans?

KOMPAS.com – Have you ever thought about how the shape and condition of the Earth would be if humans suddenly became extinct or disappeared?

Maybe some thought the Earth would fall apart. And some believe that living things other than humans will live freely according to their natural cycle.

Well, reported from IFLSciencehere are some estimates of the condition of the Earth if humans become extinct one day:

1. So much silence

If humans just disappeared, and returned to visit Earth a year later, then humans would not need to see with their eyes, but with their ears.

This is because the Earth will be very quiet.

Noise from the construction of houses or buildings, machines and horns from vehicles reciprocating, factories working non-stop, the sound of human chatter, and so on, will disappear.

And in that second, humans will realize that they are the main source of noise on the surface of the Earth.

2. The sky looks beautiful

After humans are extinct, the sky will slowly reveal its beautiful and clear blue color that stretches across the equator.

The wind and rain will clean up the smoke and pollution from all human activities on Earth which for thousands of years have continuously polluted the Earth and sky.

3. System stalled

If there is no human, all systems in human life will stop.

The system is like a water system that distributes water to each house, or an electrical system that has been continuously illuminating human life.

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4. Unkempt dust

The house or other environment will just be dusty without anyone cleaning it.

Actually, dust is in the air all the time. But during this time, the dust is cleaned by humans so as not to interfere with activities.

But once humans were extinct, the air would freeze and dust would settle everywhere.

But because the air in the house is constant due to the absence of human activity, the dust will settle, no longer flying.

5. Plants live freely

The grass in the yard will grow continuously until it becomes so long and drooping.

Usually, humans will cut or uproot the weeds that grow in the yard so as not to disturb the beauty of the house.

In addition, the trees will grow thicker and thicker, without anyone controlling them anymore.


If humans become extinct, plants will thrive and freely.

6. Insects are free to fly

Insects that buzz and fly are enough to disturb human life. Because of this, humans have learned to constantly control annoying insect populations over thousands of years.

When humans become extinct, insects will live freely, maybe even with uncontrolled populations.

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7. The animals roam

The animals will be free to roam without the need to face conflict with humans.

Animals such as rats, foxes or skunks can roam an environment that was previously a human settlement and make it their natural habitat.

Then a year later, large animals will enter into former human settlements.

8. The natural cycle is running again

Without the energy created by humans, natural cycles will return to normal. As if the day would be bright with the only source of light being the Sun.

Whereas the night will be dark with little lighting from the Moon without any lights from houses and so on.

There is a natural cycle that returns, also bringing back several species that have been threatened with extinction thanks to human technology, one of which is the firefly.

In addition, fires will occasionally occur on Earth. The aftermath of the lightning striking the trees, and no human being tried to extinguish it.

9. Roads and buildings destroyed

After a year of human abandonment, human-made buildings will start to fall into disrepair.

Streets and buildings are not taken care of so they destroy themselves due to natural processes.

Small plants from underground will try to grow causing the roads to crack.

In addition, roads and buildings will be destroyed by earthquakes without anyone repairing them afterwards.

The bridge also suffers the same fate, will weather and rust continuously until it is finally destroyed.

Agriculture and fields will become forests, so there will no longer be sources of human food such as wheat or potatoes.

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When humans go extinct, dogs and cats will struggle to find food and protect themselves from predators.

10. Cats and dogs fight for life

So far, dogs and cats have been kept by humans, or live wild but close to human settlements so they can easily get food.

When humans go extinct, these two domestic animals will find it hard to survive. Either to find food or survive attacks from wild predators.

Most likely, the cat will evolve into a wild cat again, like in the old days.

But dogs, especially certain breeds, have a smaller chance of surviving.

11. Like an ancient civilization

Ancient civilizations such as Rome, Greece, Egypt were once successful in their time. But then it was destroyed and left behind relics of historical value.

The remains were found neglected, overgrown with various plants, or buried in the ground.

This can describe how the Earth would look if humans finally became extinct from the world that exists today.

After hundreds of years of disappearing from the Earth, human remains will be like prehistoric relics of the past.

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2023-06-27 04:00:00
#Form #Condition #Earth #Humans #Extinct #Kompas.com

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