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What will the weather be like in the last week of January. ANM announces when the snow will come

Sunday, January 22, 2023, 3:49 p.m

3578 readings

The thermal values ​​will be higher than the specific ones throughout Romania, in the last week of January, and later, until February 20, they will approach the normal ones for the period, according to the four-week forecast, published by the National Administration of Meteorological.

The rainfall regime will be excessive in the south-west of the country and deficit in the northwest until the end of this month, and for the rest of the forecast period it will approach the normal of the period in most regions.

Thus, in the week of January 23 – 30, 2023, the thermal values ​​will be higher than the specific ones for this week, throughout the territory of Romania, and the rainfall regime will be locally excessive in the south-western extremity of the country, and the rest of the precipitation amounts they will generally be deficient, especially in the northwestern regions.

During the week of January 30 – February 6, 2023, the average air temperature will generally be close to normal values ​​for this period, possibly slightly higher in the extra-Carpathian regions, but also slightly lower in the mountains. The amounts of precipitation will be slightly excessive in the mountainous areas, and in the rest they will be generally close to the normal ones for this interval.

The meteorological estimates for the week of February 6 – 13, 2023 show average temperatures generally close to normal for this period, throughout the country, and a deficient rainfall regime in the south-western half of the country, and the rest will be close to normal for this interval.

In the last forecast week, February 13 – 20, the average thermal values ​​will be around those specific for this week, throughout Romania. The amounts of precipitation will be close to the normal ones for this period, in all regions.

The meteorological estimates for the period January 23 – February 20, 2023 are made by the European Center for Long-Term Forecasts – ECMWF, and the weekly average of air temperature deviations and precipitation amounts is compared to the average of the period 2003 – 2022.

ANM specifies that extreme phenomena with a short duration of manifestation cannot be forecast with the help of this product.

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