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what will the millions of euros of the health Segur be used for?

More than a billion euros for Nouvelle-Aquitaine: this is the amount that had been recorded during the Ségur de la santé, in the summer of 2020. This sum will be distributed in several stages, to improve and modernize the system health. We now know the amount for the first envelope, intended for current investments: 44 million euros, including 2.4 million euros for Deux-Sèvres and 3.2 million euros for Vienne.This first funding is for financial consolidation“explains Benoît Elleboode, Director General of the Regional Health Agency in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Other larger envelopes will follow

Concretely, these millions are intended to stabilize the finances health facilities. “When institutions had a number of debts that weighed on their daily finances, [cet argent] will allow them to repay part of this debt and free up a little to invest and to have a little more oxygen in their daily life continues Benoît Elleboode. “Then there is a second envelope of almost 700 million euros which is made to support new projects.“These projects, the establishments must share with the ARS, which will decide in the fall which files to prioritize, with the participation of elected officials and actors of the territories. “We are going to invest twice as much and twice as quickly as in the major plans of the last five yearsassure Benoît Elleboode.

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