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What will change in the life of Russians from March 2020?

TASS, in cooperation with the State Duma of the Russian Federation, presents a selection of important laws and regulations that will enter into force in March 2020 and will affect many Russians.

Import of unregistered drugs

March 1 will enter into force law, which will establish the procedure and criteria for determining the interchangeability of drugs. According to Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, now interchangeability is defined for 16% of drugs. By the end of 2021, this figure should reach 95%.

Until the end of 2023, the law also allows the import into the Russian Federation of individual consignments of unregistered medicines containing narcotic or psychotropic substances, if this is vital to help specific patients. The list of diseases, conditions and related drugs is determined by the relevant authority.

IN scroll psychotropic drugs included diazepam (rectal solution), midazolam (oromucosal solution), clobazam (tablets, capsules, the generic name of the drug Frizium), lorazepam (solution in ampoules), phenobarbital (elixir, injection) necessary for the treatment of epilepsy.

Free access to socially significant sites

Starting March 1, Internet access to the public services portal and sites of all federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation will become free. When using these sites, traffic will not be charged, and it will be possible to access them even with a zero balance.

The decision was made in the framework of the program “Accessible Internet”.

GOST for classic cars

Effective March 1 GOST for rare and classic cars and motorcycles. GOST establishes safety requirements, compliance with which is necessary for the admission of the retromachine to the road. In particular, for example, braking systems, tires and wheels, headlights and fire safety of a vehicle must comply with the regulations.

Prior to the entry into force of this law, vehicles older than 30 years did not apply to technical regulations.

The document also introduces the concept of a “classic car” – these are cars older than 30 years that have an appropriate passport on conducting a historical and technical examination and compliance with GOST.

Success Fee for Lawyers

From March 1st fee contract attorneys may be affected by the outcome of legal aid. This rule does not apply to legal assistance in criminal matters and in cases of administrative offenses.

In addition, testing in the framework of the qualification exam for obtaining the status of a lawyer from March will be carried out through a single automated information system to ensure anonymity of the verification of results.

The law also reduces the minimum length of advocacy required to create a law office, bar or law office from five to three years.

Stun guns for transport security officers

Starting March 2, employees of transport security units will receive the right to purchase, store and use stun guns. The law regulates in which particular cases the use of devices is allowed: to repel an attack on an object and to citizens, to protect oneself, to suppress the resistance exerted by the violator, to detain people caught in a crime if they want to hide or provide armed resistance.

At the same time, it is forbidden to use stun guns against pregnant women, disabled people and minors, except when they show armed resistance. The law obliges employees of transport security services to strive to ensure that the harm caused to violators is minimal and to provide first aid to those who had to be hit by a shocker.

Government Procurement for the Self-Employed

Starting March 28, preferential terms for participation in public procurement for small and medium-sized businesses will spread on the self-employed.

Companies with state participation and state corporations are obliged to give at least 18% of their annual order to small and medium-sized businesses, and 15% of purchases must be drawn between SMEs at direct bidding – without the participation of large businesses. In addition, a smaller amount of security for applications is provided for SMEs, and the maximum payment period under the contract cannot exceed 30 days from the date of signing the acceptance certificate. Now these benefits will be provided to self-employed citizens.

Earlier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced that all existing measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses will be extended to the self-employed, including the possibility of obtaining soft loans and access to the SME Business Navigator information resource.

Business Navigator is a free information resource that allows entrepreneurs to test the relevance of a business and calculate its payback period in relation to a specific region, as well as learn about all types of state support for SMEs and financing opportunities in one-window mode.

Lottery Limitations

March 28 takes effect lawaimed at preventing gambling and lotteries under the guise of professional activity in the securities market. If a participant in the securities market is fined for illegally organizing gambling or for holding a lottery without an appropriate decision, his license to carry out activities in the securities market may be canceled.

The law classifies lottery operators as organizations engaged in operations with cash and other property. Accordingly, requirements will be presented to lottery operators similar to the requirements for such organizations in accordance with anti-laundering legislation.

Ethanol Control

Effective March 28 law, tightening the requirements for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing medicines. In particular, drug wholesalers are prohibited from selling alcohol and the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol. The requirements for equipment used for the production of alcohol-containing drugs and ethyl alcohol are also fixed.

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