Home » today » News » What will be decided today about the Ukrainian aid for agriculture-Agro Plovdiv – 2024-07-31 07:01:43

What will be decided today about the Ukrainian aid for agriculture-Agro Plovdiv – 2024-07-31 07:01:43

Today is an important day for farmers, as it will be decided whether in the partial reshaping of the national budget funds will be transferred to pay for Ukrainian aid. We remind you that the farmers are ready for prolonged summer protests if the deputies go on vacation before they have approved an amount for the payment of the long-awaited crisis aid.

Today at 11 o’clock it starts meeting of the Council of Ministersand item 12 on the agenda is “Adoption of a Draft Decree on approving additional expenses under the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for 2024.”

Do they come or go before the money for the Ukrainian aid arrived?

    For what and how much funds will be transferred to the Ministry of Health, we have yet to find out.

    Again today in the plenary hall they will consider second reading amendments to the Law on the State Budget for 2024

    BSP representatives submitted a proposal in Art. 1, para. 5 to create a new line for the “Agriculture” area, in which it is written that an additional 335 million BGN is provided for sectoral policy. Most likely, it is a question of securing a budget for the second tranche of Ukrainian aid, for the payment of which the above-mentioned amount is needed.

    However, the Committee on Budget and Finances recorded that it decided “not to consider and discuss the proposal on its merits, as it is outside the scope of the bill adopted at the first vote.”

    A proposal of the group of MPs from the DPS, led by Jevdet Chakarov, proposes in the budget of the DF “Agriculture” in the table of expenses for the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture in the field of agriculture and rural areas; fisheries and aquaculture policy; and expenses under the “Administration” program, the figure of BGN 528,807,900 million should be changed to BGN 848,807,900 million, which is BGN 320 million more. The amount is similar to that needed to pay the second tranche of Ukrainian aid.

    In response to the proposal, the budget committee decided the same thing that was recorded in the proposal of the BSP deputies.

    Again today, the Minister of Agriculture will participate from 2:30 p.m. in a meeting of the Committee on Agriculture, Food and Forestry in National Assembly. Georgi Takhov will answer questions from deputies in the so-called blitz-control, which must be held on the first days of each new month, not on the last day.

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