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what we really know about the Bassem Braiki aggression

Rapper Sadek claimed responsibility for beating the youtuber Bassem Braiki on the night of Monday to Tuesday February 11. A filmed assault and therefore the videos were broadcast on social networks.

The essential

Bassem Braiki beaten up.

On the night of Monday to Tuesday February 11, the controversial youtubeur Bassem Braiki was allegedly attacked by several individuals outside his home in Vénissieux, near Lyon.

Sadek claims aggression.

A violent attack that was filmed by Sadek, who himself shared the videos on his social networks, claiming this beating.

Bassem Braiki hospitalized.

Bassem Braiki is said to have been punched, kicked and with a telescopic baton. Supported by the emergency services, he was transported to hospital in relative emergency.

The Sadek vs Bassem Braiki clash.

Tensions between the two men were reportedly exacerbated last weekend, when Bassem Braiki allegedly canceled a Sadek showcase by calling to disrupt it.

All the info


11:45 am – What we know about Bassem Braiki’s state of health

The controversial youtuber was allegedly beaten by four individuals (the rapper Sadek and three of his friends). Sadek would have decided to go back and forth to Vénissieux from Paris to set a trap for his opponent, as he explained himself on social networks. Since then, the blogger has always been hospitalized. “Bassem did not file a complaint because he is physically unable to do so because of his state of health,” said the youtuber’s lawyer the day after his client was assaulted by Sadek and several individuals. Bassem Braiki was taken care of by the Rhône firefighters the night of Monday to Tuesday February 11, 2020 at 4:20 am and then transported to the hospital in relative emergency, however without his life prognosis being engaged. According to information from Lyon Capitale, “investigators from the criminal brigade of departmental security went to see him at the hospital to conduct a first hearing.” And to his lawyer adding about Sadek: “The guy takes the break, proud of him with blood on his hands, while someone is on a hospital bed. I don’t even see in the “rap game”, the pride to take from that. Bassem is not unanimous. Proof of this is, I defended him several times. And I do not agree with everything he says. from there. But he doesn’t deserve to end up in a bloodbath outside his house. “

10:52 – Sadek’s “excuses”

A few hours after the beating of Bassem Braiki, Sadek spoke on social networks, in a video where he apologizes, while trying to justify his gesture. “I am not proud of myself, I gave in like violence to hatred (…) I send this message to all the little brothers who listen to me. Know that what I have it’s big shit, and look, I’ll pay for it, I’m totally aware of it, and what’s going to happen to me is great for me. Don’t take that as an example, is shit. The best thing is to chat, get along and live together. ” In this sordid affair, Sadek risks big. An investigation in flagrance “for” aggravated violence “has been opened by the prosecution of Lyon and will be carried out by the services of the Sûreté départementale du Rhône. The aggressors of Bassem Braiki, depending on the severity of their injuries, risk up to ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros, depending on the aggravating circumstances which may accumulate, in particular violence in meetings, ambush and the use of weapons.

10:25 – “Sockets found on the spot”

In the aftermath of the attack on Bassem Braiki claimed by Sadek, the lawyer for the youtubeur spoke in the columns of Lyon Capitale. “Bassem did not file a complaint because he is physically unable to do so because of his state of health,” said Me Metaxas, Bassem Braiki’s lawyer, saying that the attackers were equipped with ” iron and a priori firearms since casings were found on the spot. “

10:15 – Bassem Braiki still hospitalized

After this assault claimed by Sadek on social networks, Bassem Braiki was “taken care of at 4:20 in Vénissieux” by the Rhônes firefighters, reports AFP. “Injured in the head, he was taken to hospital in relative emergency,” he added. For its part, the Lyon prosecutor’s office confirms to AFP that the police “intervened last night following the attack on Bassem Braiki, who allegedly said he had been hit by several individuals. He was taken to hospital , its vital prognosis not being engaged “. An investigation has been opened.

10:03 – Back to the facts

On the night of Monday to Tuesday February 11, 2020, the rapper Sadek is said to have planned the beating of the youtuber Bassem Braiki, with whom he had already been off on social networks for a few days. With several individuals, he allegedly assaulted his opponent, a 37-year-old man, outside his home in Vénissieux in the Lyon suburbs. Several people, including Sadek, filmed and broadcast the ultra-violent sequence on social networks: we see Bassem Braiki on the ground, receiving kicks, punches and telescopic batons.


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Between the two men, the altercation would have started last weekend. Bassem Braiki is said to have caused the cancellation of a Sadek showcase, scheduled for Saturday February 8 in Saint-Priest, near Lyon, by calling for a rally to disrupt the evening. For fear of overflows, Sadek’s showcase would have been canceled, reports Le Progrès. “There have been controversies on Sadek, relayed on Snapchat. There are always clashes in this environment. But as it spoke of a potential gathering, we preferred to take no risk, for prudence”, explains the management of the restaurant the newspaper. A cancellation that aroused the fury of the rapper and, it seems, skids a clash that remained until now, confined to insults and provocations on social networks.

Since this beating, Sadek is still active on social networks. Tuesday noon, he even replied to the comment by Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, who deplored “the impoverishment of our country”. “If we do not react, this is a glimpse of the society in which our children will live,” added the president of Debout la France, qualifying by the way, wrongly, Bassem Braiki as a rapper (he is a Youtubeur). “It is the weakness and the lack of responsiveness of your judicial system that drives people crazy, for months that I send calls for help my family and I are harassed nobody does ANYTHING, I am ashamed of this situation, “replied Sadek. Dupont-Aignan vs Sadek, another “clash” that we had not seen coming …

Sadek Bourguiba, alias Sadek, was born on May 25, 1991 in Neuilly-Plaisance, in Seine-Saint-Denis. Her father is Tunisian and her mother is Russian. The artist has released eight albums and collaborated with big names in the French rap scene, including Gradur, Seth Gueko, Ninho, Dosseh, Lacrim, SCH, Niro or Soprano, but also American, with duets with Jae Millz or Meek Mill. Confirmed rapper, Sadek also tried his hand at the cinema: in 2016, he shared the poster with the monster of French cinema, Gérard Depardieu, in the film “Tour de France”. Their two characters, a young rapper forced to leave his city and an anti-Islam painter, befriended. Since then, Sadek has appeared in “Black River” or in “The office of legends” in 2018.

At 37, Bassem Braiki is known for his videos posted on his YouTube channel, but above all because (or thanks?) Of the many controversies they have aroused. In 2016, his name was mentioned in the cancellation of a concert by another rapper, Booba, in Dardilly, still near Lyon. An incident that ended in a fight. In 2018, new controversy. On his Snapchat account, Bassem Braiki called on young people to assemble a team to dislodge Roma from a pavilion in Garges-lès-Gonesse, in Val-d’Oise. The same year, three LGBT associations filed a complaint against him for “inciting hatred and violence towards a group of people because of their sexual orientation” after a video in which he advised homosexuals to treat themselves by mixing ‘Efferalgan with cyanide. Racist, misogynist, homophobic, violent … The adjectives used to define this man are numerous in the media and on social networks.

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