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what we know about the shooting that killed 10 in Colorado

It is a massacre that is again plaguing the United States. It happened in Colorado, in a supermarket in the town of Boulder, north of Denver. Man opened fire and killed 10 people. Police received a call shortly before 3 p.m. on Monday. Shots were reported in a supermarket. The police waited several hours before communicating. She first wanted to talk to the families of the victims before establishing a balance sheet.

The amateur images had provided the first elements. On one of them, we saw three inanimate bodies on the ground: two outside and one inside the store. In this chilling video, a man explains without apparent emotion that the shooter is still inside the store, and then gunshots are heard. The toll in the evening is even heavier than what the images suggested: 10 dead, including a 51-year-old policeman, who arrived first on the scene.

A police spokesperson praised a heroic act. SWAT, the police intervention unit intervened, but the suspect had probably already killed his victims. Apart from the identity of the police officer, the identities of the nine other victims are not known. And the police said they would not give any further information until mid-afternoon.

A suspect arrested

Police arrested a suspect. We do not yet know what his motivations were, it will undoubtedly take several hours, or even several days, to find out. Images filmed from a helicopter show the arrest of a white man, shirtless. Before subduing him, the police probably asked him to remove his sweater or his T-shirt and checked that he did not have explosives on him or another weapon. There was an exchange of gunfire between him and the intervention forces.

He was injured in his right leg, he limps but can walk. He was handcuffed behind his back, and placed on a stretcher. He is in prison. Note that Colorado has already experienced several mass killings, unfortunately famous. In 2012, in a cinema hall in Aurora, a man had killed 12 people and left about 50 injured, during the projection of a Batman. And in 1999, the massacre of the Columbine high school: 15 dead including the two murdered students.

US gun debate reignited

The United States is once again caught up in these gun killings. Less than a week ago near Atlanta, a young man killed 8 people. He targeted three Asian massage parlors. Of the eight people who died 6 young asian women. The motives of the killer, a young man of 21, are not very clear. He says it’s not a racist act, but rather speak of a sex addiction, in contradiction with his faith.

For him these massage parlors were places of temptation. And he would have had, “a bad day.” Many also saw it as a racist act, against the backdrop of an upsurge in attacks against the Asian community in the United States.

These 10 deaths will once again reignite the gun debate in the United States. Joe Biden will not ban them, it is too sensitive, it would divide the country too much. There will undoubtedly be proposals for better control, better monitoring. And unfortunately, there will undoubtedly be other mass killings like the one on Monday.

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