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“What we have heard does not go beyond insult and disqualification”: Sánchez responds to Abascal | Day by day

In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, Vox presents the Government with a motion of censure. The Executive faces it without fear that it will come out ahead but it has to submit to harsh criticism from the opposition in what is one of the toughest sessions of this term. “This government is the worst in the last 80 years”, The leader of the far-right party, Santiago Abascal, began by saying. “Never, in more than 40 years of democracy, have electoral promises been betrayed so quickly,” he affirmed and called Pedro Sánchez “unscrupulous liar with a lust for power” that “will occupy the corner of shame in the encyclopedias” in an intervention in Congress that it has lasted more than two hours.

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After Abascal’s speech, the Prime Minister has taken the floor. Pedro Sánchez had also been preparing for that moment for days and began by making a declaration of intent: “As much as it provokes, we will not enter into any of its provocations throughout the motion of censure.”

“Insults and disqualifications, no proposal”

Sánchez has defended the legitimacy of the motion of censure and faces this debate “with the deep respect that this House represents”, but considers that this plenary session is anything but constructive: “Everything we have heard does not go beyond the insult and the disqualification, there is no proposal.” For this reason, the president wonders what is the objective of this process: “If this initiative does not intend to replace the current government with another led by you, What are we doing here?” Later he answered himself and directed a dart at Abascal: “He has again underestimated the strength of democracy. He thinks he can use Parliament as a great set for his show off “. Along these lines, he added more reasons: “Provoke us, confront us, this is the ultimate reason for his motion of censure, Mr. Candidate, but he has poorly measured his strength, he has not taken into account the strength of democracy,” he insisted.

The president of the Executive has made a review of all the challenges that the government has ahead both in social and economic matters. In addition, he has made a firm defense of the state of the autonomies and has refuted many of the phrases of Abascal’s intervention: “I do not see that Europe is similar to either China or Hitler as you have said.” Sánchez has also been struck by the fact that “For the candidate to the government, this criminal and dictatorial government is worse than any of Franco’s governments,” paraphrasing the leader of Vox.

He also recalled that, “on April 9, when we still had more than 4,700 compatriots admitted for COVID in the UCIS, occupying more than 50% of the available beds,” both Vox and the PP voted against the state of alarm, “a key tool to face the pandemic”. But he estimates that “the difference between the traditional right and the extreme right is that the right has opted for co-governance.” Sánchez has repeated several times that what Abascal’s party seeks is to “divide” and “generate hatred”, something in which he has been right: “He says that we generate hatred, it is true, yours and I am sorry for you”, The leader of Vox responded minutes later.

Sánchez has returned to give him the reply and has wanted to clarify that point: “I tell you with all due respect, I don’t hate you, we don’t hate you. What we want is to refute with arguments so that those who trusted you in previous electoral processes see that the only thing you offer is a future full of anxiety and blackness and that there are other ways with which they can achieve their objectives. “The president believes that The main problem is that Abascal “does not oppose the system, what he does is opposition to the system,” which makes it difficult to confront ideas.

“You hate Spain as it is”

In his speech, Sánchez has influenced on the different priorities that Vox has with respect to the Government: “His priorities are feminist oppression, stand up to environmentalists and their supposed dictatorship, close all the media that they dislike, outlaw the parties that they dislike. they bother him and take on the state of the autonomies “, he enumerated and added that,” ending citizen insecurity in one of the safest countries in the world “is a priority for Abascal’s party while “for the real problems that affect the millions of Spaniards they have no solution.”

“Mr. Abascal, you hate Spain as it is, He is not interested in the freedom of the citizens, what he wants is homogeneity, “Sánchez snapped and argued, noting that “a patriot does not have more than half of his compatriots.”

“We defend a country in which you have a place. That is the main difference with us, you defend a model of a country in which 50% of Spaniards do not fit,” he continued to affirm that Abascal “loves the dark Spain of Torquemada “.

“Mr. Casado, you are the target of this attack”

Pedro Sánchez has asked “formally” the leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, to vote against this motion of censure: “You are not the beneficiary is the target of this attack “, has warned him and advised him to “proclaim that the Spanish right has nothing to do with the Spanish far right.”

The president assures that in the vote on Thursday, Abascal will be able to verify “that the Spanish reject his propensity of hatred and fury.”

“A socialist government ended ETA”

After the repeated accusations by Vox that the Government on whether the Government pacts with terrorists, Pedro Sánchez has reminded him that it was a socialist government that ended ETA and has received a long standing ovation from his bench. After the applause, the shout of a deputy was heard who said “that’s a lie” and the president of Congress, Meritxell Batet, has intervened to ask for silence.

The members of the Executive can intervene throughout the session when they deem necessary but they have preferred not to do so after the first speech of the plenary session, that of the Vox deputy for Barcelona and candidate for the next elections in Catalonia, Ignacio Garriga, and reserve to give the reply to the party leader.

“This motion of censure is not a marketing operation, it is a national duty,” Garriga insisted from early in the morning. “I guarantee you that we may lose but we will have given testimony of the reasons that make it necessary to call elections”he went on.

“His great triumph is the photo of Columbus”

The president has recognized that the great political triumph of Abascal “is the photo of Colón” but has reminded him that some of those present in the image “are no longer” in Congress “and it is certain that the account has not yet finished” . Consider that Vox “is not a danger because of the strength of their votes” but “because they infect the traditional right with their ideas.”

In defense of Fernando Simón

In the face of Abascal’s constant attacks on the Executive’s management on the pandemic, Pedro Sánchez has delivered a signature defense of Fernando Simón, the epidemiologist who has been the Government spokesperson since the start of the health crisis. “I am proud and fortunate of his work,” he said.

The fifth motion of censure

The motion of censure this Wednesday is the fifth of the Spanish democracy. Precisely, Sánchez came to the Presidency of the Government for the first time after a motion of no confidence in the management of Mariano Rajoy in 2018. Despite the total legality of this democratic tool, the opposition continues to question that process: “Today we censor an illegitimate government,” Garriga assured this Wednesday, who has even affirmed that Sánchez “came to the government lying to the Spanish” .

Throughout the morning, the different opposition groups will intervene, from lowest to highest parliamentary representation. What will be the tone of the PP and which deputies will question the Government, as well as the final vote of the popular, remains on the air. At all times, Pablo Casado has downplayed this appointment but without clarifying whether his vote will be against or abstention. The party’s parliamentary spokesman, Teodoro García Ejea, only said this Wednesday that they will not support her.

Capacity restrictions continue in the Congress of Deputies due to the virus, so many parliamentarians will vote online. A priori, the accounts do not come out for this motion of censure to prosper but it is an opportunity for Vox to have all the prominence for two days.

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