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what vitamin cure to face winter?

The lack of light, the cold, the greyness, the rain … The arrival of winter brings a blow of slack both physical and psychological.

To ward off cold and fatigue, the passage of winter requires a bouquet of iron, magnesium, vitamins, proteins. So you have to do particularly pay attention to his diet. Choose a diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables. Spices are also useful because, by stimulating blood circulation, they help warm the body.

But to further increase your immune system and to avoid getting sick too often, vitamin therapy can be very beneficial. Sometimes paying attention to your diet is therefore not enough, and it is better to turn to food supplements, available in pharmacies.

Vitamin C

Queen of the vitamin, vitamin C helps strengthen our immune system and, above all, gives us a boost. She can help fight slack and fatigue related to winter. It also prevents colds.

Vitamin C is also useful for improve our mood since it helps reduce stress and anxiety.

If you do not want to buy it directly in pharmacies, know that it is strongly present in peppers, kiwi, orange, mango or even broccoli. The grapefruit and vegetable juices are also content of this vitamin.

Vitamin B

Known to provide energy, vitamin B helps our body to fight against the cold and improves our morale since it improves our nervous system.

Taking vitamin B therefore improves our physical and mental capacities by preventing intellectual fatigue, in particular.

The main sources of vitamin B are: cereals, wholemeal bread, egg yolk, fish. Bananas, avocados and green vegetables also contain vitamin B.

Vitamin D

The vitamin of the sun seems essential to pass the winter. The latter is usually prescribed by the doctor, once a year, in ampoule.

The vitamin D is provided at 20% by our food and the rest is produced only thanks to the sun’s rays. If you are looking for it in your food, favor fatty fish, salmon for example, but also cheese and mushrooms.


Take magnesium winter can protect against disease because it avoids stress and mood swings. It also prevents cardiovascular disease and plays a role in many aspects of our daily lives: from the quality of sleep to the elasticity of our arteries, including the regulatory process.

The recommended magnesium intake is 350 milligrams per day. We find it in sesame seeds, pine nuts, dark chocolate or even anchovies in oil. It is also found in many bottles of mineral water.


The iron boosts immunity and helps fight fatigue. If you experience strong unexplained fatigue and shortness of breath, you are surely in iron deficiency. Iron is the main constituent of hemoglobin in the blood.they resist infections.

In addition to the tablets sold in pharmacies, iron is found in red meat, blood sausage, legumes and almonds. Be aware that drinking too much tea can prevent the absorption of iron.


Zinc acts considerably on the multiplication of white blood cells, which in turn help fight infections. So he plays a important role on our immune system. Zinc is found in seafood, especially oysters.

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