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What Ukrainian embroidered shirts looked like 100 years ago. Archival photos | People

Every year, on the third Thursday of May, the Embroidery Day is celebrated around the world. The event has been celebrated for 15 years in a row, so May 20 is a jubilee holiday dedicated to ethnomusic and environmental problems.

OBOZREVATEL collected photos of the oldest embroidered shirts that have survived on the territory of Ukraine. Each ornament is a kind of symbol and amulet.

A collector’s pearl Taras Demkura is an embroidered shirt from the Ternopil region, which he inherited, and before that it was passed down from generation to generation for more than a hundred years. The emblem of Ukraine is embroidered on the chest, so the embroidered shirt was hidden from the authorities for decades.

An embroidered shirt from the beginning of the 20th century has survived, which was hidden from the authorities for many years.

Authentic wedding embroidered shirts are in the Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local Lore. A wedding shirt from the Ovrutsk region is made of linen and decorated with red embroidery, this color has long been considered a talisman.

Wedding shirt of the late XIX - early XX century from the Zhytomyr region.

Lesya Grabik demonstrated embroidered shirts from the Borshchiv Regional Museum of Local Lore, which is located in the Ternopil region. This vintage shirt is about 130 years old.

An old embroidered shirt from the Ternopil region.

The local history museum in the Luhansk region stores many ethnic exhibits. Lemko shirts are distinguished by fairly simple ornaments. The simplicity of the embroidered patterns was compensated by bright fabrics and a special cut of the embroidered shirt with a voluminous collar.

The Lemko costume, dated 1906, is the pearl of the Novoaydar Local History Museum.

Embroidery master Maria Turchin has collected more than fifty ancient embroidered shirts in her own collection. The oldest shirt was embroidered back in 1903.

In every corner of Ukraine there were different embroidery ornaments

Embroidered shirts of the 20th century are kept in the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. There are more than a thousand embroidered shirts in the collection.

Zaspulnitsa is a traditional embroidery of the Khust region.

Galina Abramyuk from Chernivtsi collects embroidered shirts of the twentieth century, which she inherited.

The shirts were made from hemp linen in the 1920s.

Many studies have proven that embroidered clothing was created even before the 6th century. There are about a hundred embroidery styles in Ukraine, which are typical for different regions of the country.

Archival photos of Ukrainian embroidered shirts of the XIX - XX centuries.

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