can reduce 6 to 3 feet elists physical cement.patricia: we continue with wingsnews.New Yorkers withpre-existing diseases to youthey can vaccinate in the pharmaciesof the big apple.It is about the expansion ofprogram against covid19 let’s go with ricardo so thatexplain to us,good morning, ricardo, whoenter for immunization?Richard. greetings and good morning,according tostate specificationsnew york, this new group isjoin the vaccination process,we talk about people withconditions like cancer,affections of the heart,type one and type two diabetes,the person with conditions inlungs, patient with systemcompromised immunology andpregnant women.from now they can go topharmacies to receive their doses.the state of new york isindicating that prior to going topharmacies, it is importantto present some evidence,some certification or somemedical information thatcheck your condition orstate of health to do iteligible for the processvaccination. important to point outthat the pharmacies already previouslythey will approve the orderfor which people fromthe 60s, teachers and othersschool personnel, be theyvaccinated. so that they havevery present this because thecity and state of newyork has decided to expand thisnew stage of the processvaccination to protectvulnerable population byhealth of Monday March 22some changes enter theflexibilisations, we talk aboutwhat gym is going to allowgroup terms of meetings amaximum capacity of 100people, meetings ininteriors and200 people capacity inopen spaces or inexteriors and finallythey lift the restrictions ofthe area decreed by the