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What to say to call centers to never make them call again

Call centers are like God for Voltaire: if they were not there they would have to be invented. Yes, an invention that according to many expert economists has heavily penalized the professional career of many young people who have found themselves choosing between this or the fame.

However, the fact that interests us today is another: call centers often call people with a certain insistence. We are not talking about the various customer services of telephone companies or industries, fundamental advisors for all of us consumers.

We are talking about call centers of those companies that try to expand their business over the phone, trying to snatch a few more contracts out of exhaustion. However, we can make him stop calling it personal experience permanently.

So here’s what to say to call centers to never make them call again.

Who did you get my phone number from?

This simple question is as trivial as it is powerful. Asking “who got my phone number from” is the ideal solution. Sometimes, unfortunately, we are the ones who give consent for the dissemination and use of our number. However, in most cases, our numbers are bought from long opaque lists that are provided via those applications that we agree to install on the mobile.

Other times, even from the games we enjoy so much on Facebook and the like. Asking for this information often embarrasses the telephone operator who will therefore avoid calling back.

GDPR privacy

Finally, we have a valid ally: the GDPR privacy. That is the European Union Regulation which aims to protect our data from misuse. In fact, since its entry into force, all companies have had to align with its dictates and follow the object of its regulation.

In particular, we speak of informed consent: when we have to sign any contract, the use of our data is well specified in the body of the text and not in a final and illegible footnote

So here’s what to say to call centers to stop them calling.

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