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What to look out for now

Berlin. Nests in the city are causing problems more and more frequently. Are wasps more aggressive this year? What should you do if you get stung? Experts explain.

They are back! Just in time for the start of wasp season, more and more nests of the yellow-black insects are appearing in Berlin. The hymenoptera buzz over the tables in beer gardens, cheekily invade houses and disturb people while they relax on their deck chairs in the garden. And that is not all. Just at the beginning of the week, the so-called magic playground in Volkspark Wilmersdorf had to close temporarily because a Wasp nest was discovered on him. “Wasp stings cause severe pain and swelling in children and are particularly dangerous for allergy sufferers, as they can trigger severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock,” said a statement from the district office.

But is the old wisdom true that a rainy summer like this year’s automatically leads to more aggressive Wasps because fewer specimens are able to hatch? No, says Derk Ehlert, wildlife expert at the Senate Environment Administration: “The behavior of the wasps does not change due to the weather, there are no abnormalities.” Nevertheless, it is true that in 2024, due to the many rain showers, there will probably be fewer wasps around than in previous heat waves. In heavy rain, more nests are destroyed and every rainy day means one less day of flying on which material for nests or food can be obtained.

Soon the wasps become hungry for carbohydrates

The great period of conflict with humans is still to come, and the young wasps will only hatch in about two weeks. The buzzers are currently busy building up their colonies. “At the moment, the wasps need proteins, which they find primarily in nature,” says expert Ehlert. Only later, when the people If the insects are strong enough and carbohydrates are involved, they will attack the sweet foods on the garden table and take an interest in our plates and drinks. “Then you should stay calm and neither scare the animals away nor provoke them and hit them away,” warns Ehlert. Otherwise, you could quickly get a painful sting.

It is best to stay away from wasp nests. © dpa-tmn | Patrick Pleul

The Berlin Fire Department is currently not reporting an increase in the number of operations due to Wasp stingsNevertheless, Berliners should be prepared for an emergency, preferably not react in a panic or hectic manner, cover drinks and food outdoors and, if possible, avoid walking barefoot.

Stitches can swell quickly

“If it was definitely a wasp, there will be pain at the sting site and its immediate surroundings and a localised swelling,” explains fire department spokesman Kevin Bartke when asked. “In contrast to bees and bumblebees, a wasp or hornet can Sting The German Red Cross (DRK) recommends that if a stinger gets stuck, you pull it out as quickly as possible by scratching it away with your fingernails or using tweezers. However, you should not pull it out with your fingers to avoid pushing more poison into the sting.

Often the fingers or the hand of Attacks affected. “Then please remove rings, bracelets and similar items as quickly as possible so that the swollen finger or hand is not constricted,” recommends fire department spokesman Bartke. “Cooling and holding it up helps.” After one or two days, the swelling should go down and the pain should turn into itching, which in turn will last for a few more days. One thing is clear: a simple insect bite is usually not a case for emergency rescue.

In some cases you have to dial 112

However, according to the fire department, 112 should be dialed if insect bites occur within the Oral cavity or throat. “This can lead to severe swelling of the tongue and the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat,” explains Bartke. “This can cause the airways to stick together, which is life-threatening!” The affected person should definitely suck ice cubes to slow down the swelling until the emergency medical team arrives.

Under certain circumstances, wasp stings can swell badly.

Under certain circumstances, wasp stings can swell badly. © dpa-tmn | Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Allergic reactions are also dangerous. “Severe allergic reactions after insect bites can be recognized by the fact that symptoms appear beyond the stung area,” says the expert. “These can be rashes, swelling of the skin on the face, neck and beyond, Shortness of breathdizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or circulatory collapse.” A suitable first aid measure would then be to lay the affected person down and, if there is shortness of breath, to raise the upper body and legs at the same time. “If the affected person is known to be allergic to insect venom, they may have an allergy card with them, an auto-injector with adrenaline or other emergency medication,” says Bartke. Early treatment, for example with cardiac rhythm massages, can be life-saving in this case.

Another problem is several Insect bites in a short time. “If not just a single insect or a small number, but a large number of animals have stung, the poisonous effect can be dangerous even regardless of a pre-existing allergy,” says Bartke. “This happens when the insects see their nest threatened, for example when they try to remove or destroy one.”

Wasps are useful components of the ecosystem

To prevent stings, experts recommend keeping your distance from the animals and leaving their nests alone. “And be especially careful when eating ice cream, sweet drinks and meat,” warns fire department spokesman Bartke. “Wasps like them just as much as people do.”

Despite their bad reputation, Ehlert wants to speak up for wasps and improve their mostly negative perception. “They are an important part of the natural cycle and are useful, they eat other small insects and are themselves food for many bird species,” the wildlife expert explains the importance of the sometimes annoying buzzers.

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