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“What to Expect When You’re with a Sagittarius: The Changes and Challenges of the Fiery Sign”

What changes does the representative of the fiery sign bring with him?

Wards of the fiery element themselves are surprisingly similar to it – passionate, impulsive, temperamental. Looking at them from the side, you catch yourself thinking that, probably, life with them turns into a real holiday. But is it really so? Astrologers have told what changes should be prepared for those who have decided to connect themselves with Sagittarius. For some, these changes will be for the good, while others will immediately regret and begin to think about parting.

We bring laughter and joy to people

Representatives of this fiery sign cannot live without fun. From the mouth of Sagittarius, some jokes and jokes are constantly pouring out, and it seems that a serious expression never appears on the face. On the one hand, laughter prolongs life, but on the other hand, listening to puns and witticisms twenty-four hours a day is a dubious pleasure.

Everyone has situations when it is necessary to be in silence, alone with yourself and with your thoughts, to concentrate in order to find a solution to a problem.

This will not work next to Sagittarius – they will constantly distract, humor, make fun, even on topics that certainly do not seem funny to the interlocutor.

In the morning I make plans and in the afternoon I do stupid things

This quote seems to best describe the life of a fire sign. Its representatives do not know how to live according to the schedule, they are adherents of spontaneity in everything. At first, when hormones play in the blood, and all the actions of a lover seem ideal, it even delights.

Like, we were going to sit in a cafe, but we went to a rock concert, wow!

But when the candy-bouquet period is over and the lovers begin to live together, this trait of Sagittarius no longer seems so cute. After all, the natives of the sign, it seems, cannot be relied upon for anything. Instead of buying bread for dinner, Sagittarius is quite capable of bringing a hamster from a pet store and announcing that he will now live with you.

Scandals, intrigues, investigations

All this will become an invariable attribute of your life with Sagittarius. Representatives of the fire sign, like no one else, know how to provoke jealousy. And when they bring it to a white heat, they will innocently clap their cilia, they say, what’s wrong, it’s just flirting. What’s wrong with that?

And there are a lot of really bad ones.

This sign really sometimes does not realize that with its flirting with the opposite sex it hurts its soulmate. And requests to slow down, since you are in a relationship, are not taken seriously.

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