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what to expect in Dijon where the incidence rate is increasing

The coronavirus epidemic is gaining momentum. Dijon is one of the metropolises where the incidence rate (that is to say the number of people infected over a week, in a population of 100,000 inhabitants) is high. Should we expect new measures?

What is the incidence rate?

The coronavirus is circulating strongly in certain parts of France in mid-September. This is particularly the case in Lyon, Nice, Marseille, Bordeaux, Guadeloupe, etc. Several indicators are closely monitored to monitor the development of the situation.

There are four main indicators:

1-The incidence rate :
this corresponds to the number of people infected over a week, in a population of 100,000 inhabitants. Two thresholds have been defined by the Ministry of Health:
-the vigilance threshold which is reached if more than ten people are infected per 100,000 inhabitants.
-the alert threshold which is reached above 50 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants.

2-The positivity rate of PCR tests :
it allows “early detection of signs of resumption of the epidemic” in the territories

3-The reproduction factor of the virus :
it is the number of people contaminated by an infected person. “If it is greater than 1, it means that each carrier of the virus will transmit the virus to more than one person and therefore the epidemic increases. When the R is lower than 1, we can then consider that the epidemic regresses “.

4-The occupancy rate of intensive care beds by patients with Covid-19

To stop the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, PCR tests are carried out by taking nasopharyngeal swabs using swabs.

To stop the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, PCR tests are carried out by taking nasopharyngeal swabs using swabs.

© François DESTOC / MAXPPP

Incidence rate: 53 departments exceeded the alert threshold

Currently, 53 departments have exceeded the alert threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Only the Côte-d’Or is red in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Several towns are under surveillance. “A Lille, Toulouse, Rennes, Dijon and Paris, the incidence rate in the general population is high, of the order of 3 to 4 times the alert rating“, but “the critical thresholds have not yet been reached”, explained the Minister of Health, Thursday, September 17, 2020.

“We will be extremely attentive in these metropolises”, clarified Olivier Véran.

The covid figures in France as of September 17, 2020
The covid figures in France as of September 17, 2020

The covid figures in France as of September 17, 2020

What is the situation in the agglomeration of Dijon?

François Rebsamen, president of Dijon metropolis which brings together 23 municipalities with 253,638 inhabitants, addressed the issue of covid on Thursday, September 17 during the metropolitan council.

“I am always amazed to see that the more tests we do, the higher the incidence rate”, did he declare. “I point out that there are departments in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté where there are almost no tests – 100 tests per day and where there is a very low incidence rate. We do a lot of tests, moreover there are people who come from other departments and obviously we have a high incidence rate. “

“But, I repeat thatit’s not just the incidence rate. There is also the positivity rate and we are below the threshold for attention in terms of positivity rate“, added François Rebsamen.

The president of Dijon metropolis also praised the position of the President of the Republic “who is trying to keep the economy on a crest line” and who “does not push for the implementation of extremely draconian surveillance measures. We are responsible enough to wear a mask when necessary and tell everyone “wear a mask” when there is the least risk, especially for the most fragile people. “

Wearing a mask is mandatory outside since Saturday, September 5, 2020 in Dijon and in other municipalities of the agglomeration.
Wearing a mask is mandatory outside since Saturday, September 5, 2020 in Dijon and in other municipalities of the agglomeration.

Wearing a mask is mandatory outside since Saturday, September 5, 2020 in Dijon and in other municipalities of the agglomeration.

© FTV Rodolphe Augier

“Wear your masks, think of the most fragile people”

Regarding school closures, François Rebsamen believes that a “good decision” has just been taken by the government. “When there is a case, we don’t close the school. That’s the request we made.”

“This measure will limit contact cases and the consequences which were very harmful for the economy, for employment and even for people who were obliged as contact persons to stay 14 days away. Now, it will be 7 days and when there is a child who is affected in a school, we take him to safety and we do not close the whole school. Moreover, the director of the academy does not have this competence, only the prefect can have it, “added the president of Dijon metropolis.

“Wear your masks, think of the most fragile people and be well. Take care of yourself”, declared François Rebsamen, closing the session in Dijon Métropole.

In short, no alarmism and no new measures announced … for the moment.

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